The Madman’s Diaries - The Blues Chapters - Chapter Five - BLIM Half Term Report

I’ll just let the video speak for themselves.

If you are paying attention it is Chapter Five, not Four as the muppet above stated ! :rofl:

Love to all of you in Gen Pop JGC.

Hugs and Kisses from the Mad One.



From the Pro to the Pretender. Video Summaries of the last few months.

Each months a bunch of licks to learn and some Blues Standards to play. Lots of other stuff but I will keep the spoilers to a minimum. :wink: I would also say these are work in progress including techniques, maybe a life time of polishing



Final one of the day and having a hoot.

Those doing BLIM will see one is missing but boy its fast and its hard but I am getting there. Maybe by the end of term I’ll squeeze that one out as well. But recording wise, tis just a bridge too far at the moment.

So that all folks said Bugs’ mate and I never mentioned the squirrels.


The British Blues Posse

Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner
Phil @twistor59
James @Socio
Mal @Malz
Keith @Majik
Paul @mathsjunky

Thank you for being there.


Good stuff Toby. I listened to all your videos and I’m most impressed.
Q1. Does Justin supply the backing tracks or do you have to obtain them yourselves?
Q2. What is the minimum level of recording equipment required to participate in the course, both at the ‘all students’ level and at the interact with ‘study group‘ level? In other words, do you need all sorts of fancy kit to send music files back and forth?

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Thanks Gordon all straight forward re you question. BTs are provided in various formats. Like you folk are recording via mobiles, nowt special if you have not got it. The Posse have been chatting via DM, others tried to set up Zoom meetings but really don’t know how they fared. As for recordings just like AVOYP we just upload to YT and either share on the Course threads, just llike Gen Pop or share amongst ourselves. Nothing complicated at all. Thank for the listen :+1:

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Thanks Toby. Sorry to take up your time.
Q3. :smiley: You mention in your intro video that you are waiting for the next unit to ‘drop’ on you. What format does this ‘drop’ take?

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Think of it like one of the usual Justin Modules, ie a group of lesson regarding one aspect of the Blues. Each unit is a different era but tech side “patern” related. Guess I need to be vague in the open but DM me if you want additional details.

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A really impressive collection. In my ears, they were all good, though I think I liked the last one most :slightly_smiling_face:

What’s the connection between squirrels and the blues? :chipmunk:


Thanks Nicole.

These squirrels are a bit of an in joke with the BBP. When you think about a dog being trained, all is good until the dog sees a squirrel and goes running after it, training goes pear shaped. We are all looking at other material along with the course and share other good stuff. So we often have squirrel moments and get side tracked from BLIM. All very focused and professional as you may imagine. So we often post Squirrel Alerts or Incoming !! Harmless fun I guess, well for us anyway but we also shared some squirrels and not everyone likes squirrels it would appear. We love them !!

And if you were a squirrel and had no acorns, well that the Squirrel Blues. :rofl:


Ah, yes of course :nerd_face: Too easy…

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My good friend, it’s been a pleasure taking this journey with you and watching you develop over the past few months. All the dedicated practice is paying off both in your playing and confidence. You’re doing super fella. Bring on U4.



Interested in the last song reference. What is the name of the song? I can’t make it out.

Cheers, Shane

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@sclay it’s Key to the Highway Shane


Was I too subtle in the title ? Found I’d been recording most of the day with the Tele tone dialled to zero. Big heads up peeps check your gtr settings before recording. Explains why most of the other tele vids sounded a bit :poop: Glad you at least recognised it Rick, even if Shane was struggling !!! :rofl:


It’s one of the Unit 1 Playlist 2 songs: Big Bill Broonzy was the artist.




Yes indeed it was.

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End of the day here Shane.

Guess you’ll have the U4 Melody down by the time I wake up . :wink:

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:clap: :clap: That was some bluesy fun, Toby!

I can tell that you really have given your all into BLIM and your passion for the genre really shines through in all the recordings. Well done! I will be eagerly awaiting your end of the course update :wink:

I likely won’t be BLIMing any time soon, but this Gen Pop member really enjoyed listening to your works in progress :guitar: :+1: I like getting to see the kinds of stuff you guys are working on over there


Really good clips there Toby, glad you are finding the course enjoyable and have fun with your other study group members :wink: it will be interesting to see where your journey gets you towards the end of the course. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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Lots of progress there Toby, glad you’re enjoying the course so much. You can definitely see that you’re learning a lot! Bit too much delay for me in some of those recordings, but overall very bluesy and enjoyable. I’m hoping listening through all your videos is going to motivate me on my (acoustic) blues journey … tomorrow!

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Hi Toby. This is a great summary of the first half of BLIM. Your progress is very evident, especially in licks. Those last/latest licks were the most difficult ones and you played them the best IMO. Your bending and vibrato development is showing there. I find bending more difficult with a slow tempo, as the sound is a bit different (slow gradual change in pitch and then the necessity for longer sustain at the top). The standards were great, it is impressive that you got almost all of them.

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Can’t wait to watch the videos, Toby.

In the meanwhile my notifications tell me the next module is focused on British Blues. Immediately I thought to mention Scorsese’s superb documentary ‘Red, White, and Blues’. If no mention of that then I suggest you highlight in the appropriate place. Sure it would be an excellent addiional source of insight and inspiration.

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