The Madman’s Diaries - The Blues Chapters - Chapter Five - BLIM Half Term Report

Let the camera roll in the background and don’t watch it for a few hours after you have finished. Let your head clear. Watch it with an open mind and take in what works, what doesn’t and what needs work. Make notes on how your bends, phasing, etc are coming along. Most important don’t be to hard on yourself remember you’re learning the blue so one day you can play the blues.

You’ve come a long way since those yellow boxes. :guitar:


Way to go, Toby! I’m proud for you on your BLIM Journey!! Sounding great!

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Yet again wise counsel, thank you Rick. :pray:

And yet Master Poe, I have still a much greater distance to walk on this endless journey.


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Oh don’t worry there have been many, rest assured ! Thanks for the congrats and support as always. You never know Balou, one day you may get that Blues itch and when that happens, it will need scratching. :sunglasses:

@Avalon426 @pkboo3

Jasmine and Pam

Big thanks for taking time out for listening and providing encouragement with you comments. A long three months ahead but it will be worth it. :+1:


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Hi Toby! As always you have really pleased me with great live performances. I didn’t choose from them, I liked them all :slight_smile:
Thanks for sharing.


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Hi Toby, I am starting to find time to get back into the guitar and also the forum and there i find you are deeply engrossed in Justins blues course :slightly_smiling_face:. I really enjoyed watching your BLIM diaries. When i saw you playing with a thumb pick , i thought , how the hell does he do that, I tried and gave that up very quickly. Around the start of this year I was a beta tester for Justin for this course , I only reviewed the first module but I could see the structure of the overall course , what a monster amount of material it is. It took me ages just to watch the videos and materials on the first module to give him feedback. Don’t understand the BBP thing you discuss but I find it impossible to believe that you would have done anything disrespectful leading moderators to be involved , if indeed that is what happened. IMO too often people these days are in transmit mode only and often without making the effort to ensure their blinkers are at least occasionally removed. Look forward to seeing your continued BLIM progress. Cheers Eric

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Thanks for that Mike, certainly no need to chose :rofl: glad you liked them all. :+1:

Hi Eric

Yes I saw the comments in recent OM post, so good to see you getting back into playing. Sometimes life gets in the way. Thanks for watching the diaries, its a quick way to show where I am and how far I need to be !! It was good to see your comment on Beta testing, it is reassuring that Justin had folk doing that. And yes there is a heck of a lot of material each month, so you have to be fully committed to getting through it all. It won’t be mastered but it is possible to get a good foundation laid for each module. But as our BBP group discussed recently that not only needs motivation but also disciplined approach to practice and with that comes the need to blow off steam now and then and have some fun and not take life too seriously. Hey not for everyone but it was working for us and we have now moved on, so don’t fret about all that nonsense.

And as for the thumb pick ? Its been a hard transition. When I started the Acoustic Blues stuff, guess getting on for 2 years now, I tried it a few times and did not get on at all but see it is in common use for that style of music. The thumb worked on its own but often the bass notes would be a little lost. So I tried again and got some Black Mountain picks, better than my old wraparound Dunlop’s. Took many weeks but I am now getting used to them. There is a compromise on strumming with them, that I have not quite worked out yet. But for general picking it is getting close to dropping the WIP tag :rofl:

Anyway, thanks for listen. May catch you at the next OM but I am normally out the door by 9am each day, so the start time is a bit of a challenge.

Take care and enjoy the playing.


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Caught up on the recordings, Toby, you are doing great, making fabulous progress!!

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Hi, Toby. First, your blitz in the Madman Studio did not make me suffer! :grinning: Quite the opposite. I just finished listening to all of these videos and listening to your monologue and have to say they were interesting and a fun listen. You are making super progress!! I truly admire your dedication and commitment. It’s obvious that they are paying big dividends . I liked them all but Sweet Home Chicago was, well, sweeet.

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Hi Toby,
I figured I best check in on your offerings of late as it has been a while since I have done so.

I took in " Who Took My Damn Keys POD 05A JCM800 2 0". Right off the bat, I loved the tone you got going there. You may have said how you put it together, but if so I missed it. However you did it, it sounded good to these ears. Your play is tasty and shows a lot of dedication to the craft of plying those 6 strings.

Keep up the good vibe and work mate.

Thanks for taking a listen LB even if it was just one that was on offer. Keys was one of my favourites as the melody is just a fun section to play and you can put some real feeling into it.
This time round I did not break down the signal chain for the tracks and stuck to the Diary Video on Madman current affairs - you’ll have to listen one day, as I am sure you’d read it if it was in text !!

There was nothing special on any of the recordings as it was my POD Go pushed directly into OBS and no mixing, apart from using a Loudness Meter to get the level right for YT.
The Key To The Highway title includes the POD Go Preset name, so I had a reference point to go back to - old brain doesn’t recall much these days !!

So as a break down the preset is :

Amp - Messa/Boogie Lonestar Drive Channel
Cab - 4 x 12 Messa/Boogie 4FB V30
OD - Klon Centaur
Delay - Vintage Digital Delay Line 6 original
Reverb - Plate Line 6 Original
EQ - Parametric pushing Bass a little but focus of mids,

Yes this Blues Immersion course has been full on and paying dividends. Got some additional recordings done this week for a future diary chapter, as I track the next few months of progress.

Again thanks for listening.



I have to chuckle on 2 things you said here:

  • “old brain doesn’t recall much these days” - I thought I was the only one slipping in this area. You made me feel better mate!

  • “it was my POD Go” - I have an old copy of Pod Farm, a DAW or Stand alone software plug/sim. Though well dated, it still has some killer tones in it and I use it now and then! I kind of forgot about it (age syndrome) until you mentioned it here!

Good stuff and thanks for your breakdown on the tone aspect of things!

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@DavidP @oldhead49

Daves x 2 @LBro enquiries into the signal chain distracted me from replying !

Thank you both for taking a listen and comments. The BLIM course has needed 100% dedication and disciplined practice to the exclusion of everything else, OMs included. But even at this stage the rewards have been worth it.

My only frustration with some of the Blues Standards we are learning, is the inability to sing along while playing. But to be honest I have not made a focus effort to do this and when I have its been a pile of :poop: !! If I can sing and play one song like Sweet Home or Key to the Highway by the end of the year I will be more than happy.

But you can’t have it all can you !
