The Madman's Back Catalogue of JGC Recordings

Beat me too it Adi, jeez you youngsters are quick on the draw ! :cowboy_hat_face:

Sandy looks like the ā€œclick avatar snap shotā€ is only a few lines long. So you may want to summarise, then write you full bio below. Iā€™ll need to edit mine as its chopped off. :sunglasses:

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I find the app so easy to navigate around, you guys stand no chance :rofl:

Maybe I didnā€™t explain myself properly. If I click my photo on the dashboard, I go to account. I donā€™t see an option where I can write a BIO. Same thing if I click on my photo in the community.

Never mind guysā€¦ I found it under preferences

You can do it here, no need to access the dashboard. As I replied to Gordon, see below

In respect of your " bio" click on your avatar in top right of page and the silhouette and on the menu bar select Preferences . The select Profile from the side menu. Under About me the is a box for text that you should have access too and below it a preview panel. So you can tailor the first couple line to give a summary for when folks click your avatar to see who you are. Iā€™ve not changed mine, as I had not checked out what is actually displayed. ! See screenshot.

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Shout if you need a hand :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

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How easy was it to copy all your catalogue over? I plan on doing like you didā€¦ all my catalogue of videos, which are basically Youtube links.

For me it was straight forward as I had a list made up already which I had posted in my Roadcase back in March and had recent update. But to build that I went back over my AOVYP posts since 2014 and just cut and paste the header and below that the associated Soundcloud link in a word doc before adding to the Roadcase. But if you have not go many you could do it direct and if they are all on YT use the Your Video section, whatever itā€™s called a copy the links and a title from there, just bouncing back and forth between browser tabs !!

For my recordings on YT I had already set up a playlist for all the the Madmanā€™s Diary Chapters, so the where not only published when I released them but also available at a one stop shop. For the Year In The Life ofā€¦ I just used the link to the playlist.

Does that help ? :sunglasses:

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It does indeed. Will go look into this on the weekend. My list is not that long.

Just a thought from the old forum to get the post titles I listed from AOVYP I used

Profile > Summary > Show Post (under pic) > Topics

There where still 7 pages of Topics but that was better than going through the 242 pages of messages!!

You should be able to do it a little quicker than me :smiley:


Sorry Toby. Not working for me. Iā€™m on a phone. Does that make a difference? I donā€™t get the menu options that you mention.

Gordon its there but let me check the path in ! Got a sticky mouse thatā€™s doing me head in !

OK on my Samsung

tap the avatat then the head/shoulders top right
hit preferences and you should see two drop down menus preference and account
hit account
the profile
that should bring up the About Me dialogue box

Sorry about spacing while holding phone !
Off for zeds but have a quick look and let me know if that help

Iā€™ll be around for another 10 mins on the phone, while I put the dog out. If I donā€™t here owt, will pick up in the morning. Zedzzzzzzzzzzzzzz needed.

@sairfingers Gordon I am raising this as a New Community Issue, so it is separated from this topic going forward. :sunglasses: