The Madman's Roadcase

Happy Birthday, Toby! :partying_face:
Hope your wife and granddaughter get well soon!
The Tele will be a nice addition to your stable. I can feel your pain to keep the feet calm!

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Happy Birthday :birthday:Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner
You need to be careful you are catching me up.

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Happy Birthday :birthday:. I hope you’ve had a great day Toby. :beers:

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Happy Birthday Toby! Can’t wait to see that tele when it comes, I remember on another thread it was one kind of guitar you don’t have yet. Sounds like it might be a long wait for it though.

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It was due at Thomann on Friday but not had any further update, so should know more next week.

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Happy Birthday!! Hope you don’t have to wait long for your new Tele.

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:partying_face: :gift_heart: :boom: :hatching_chick: :bouquet: :rose: :wine_glass: :teapot: :tea: :milk_glass: :beers: :sun_with_face:
:hibiscus: :sunflower: :confetti_ball: :guitar: :saxophone: :microphone: :drum: :musical_keyboard:

And I still thought when I saw your LL scoffing (up) in front of me…I’ll see that song or exercise of a song a little later now that I’m so busy… But now I missed your birthday. …,A little late on this one, but none the less sincere…,
…and we wish you many more good years together here…

And have you a 'nice looking forward to NGD ’ day s with great anticipation :smile:

Dear greetings from Holland

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Belated birthday wishes my friend. Wish you eveything of the best.

Ah the Tele style … hold thumbs all works out!

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Happy birthday Toby!

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Belated happy birthday wishes Toby :slightly_smiling_face: I don’t have much time or capacity for the forum at the moment but this is important even when it’s coming way, way, way too late…

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Sorry Tobi, I’m also late to the party :face_with_peeking_eye:.
Nevertheless, I wish you all the best for your next living year (does this term exist in English :thinking:?) :partying_face::champagne::clinking_glasses::gift::birthday::balloon::bouquet:!!!

I hope, your wife and granddaugther are feeling better.

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Another big thank you to those replying in the last 5 days. Scant forum time with the family here and even less playing going on at the moment, just the odd couple of minutes here and there.

Granddaughter was more of a 36 hour thing and is back to a normal and I took her out for a long road trip yesterday ala road to nowhere and no particular place to go. Got back to find daughter and wife (supposed to be on bed rest due to the heart and back issues) had spiced up the den/study/music room with guitar scatter cushions, throws and some framed A5 size concert posters. Then slightly late birthday presents all guitar related and a box set of diatonic harmonicas, which I’d selected from the Thomann catalogue. So all is good.

Playing and practice should be back to normal after this weekend, which is just as well given OM23 is not far away. All being well a couple of songs will be buffed up and ready once I get cracking again,

Again, big thanks for all the messages peeps, you are all gems !



Sounds good Toby, any news on the Tele?

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Not goods news, more to follow pending comms! :angry:

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Happy birthday Toby! I’m turning 68 in October. It’s just a number on our journey tho it does sound so frigging old! I just bought myself a Strat. I’ve appreciated your comments in the past. I’m still down the guitar rabbit hole and most recent thought is my finger strength is holding me back. Working on it. And always on my guitar. Hope life and guitar are both treating you well.

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Cheers Jim.

Sounds old ? Maybe but I don’t feel old for sure, as I often say “never too old to rock and roll”.
Finger strength will come with practice and natural endurance. A Strat will do you well on your journey, have a couple myself ! Thanks for the good wishes, take care yourself.


Toby, I am late to the party but happy birthday sir! Here’s to many more (years and guitars). :metal:

See you at the next open mic hopefully, looking forward to the afterparty chat on Zoom for a proper celebration!

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Thank you Luka my good friend. :+1:

Guess I better make sure you’re on that audience list, assuming you are not gigging now !!!


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We can all hope, Toby … always a treat Luca @glpguitar

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A quick update.

The Tele saga rambles on, badly let down by Thomann for the first time in nearly two decades of trading with them. The undisclosed Tele has been sourced anew but not the colour scheme I wanted but the model was equally important. Then late Friday before my daughter went back to the UK, she sourced the one I wanted in a Paris guitar shop, after some due diligence I hit the BUY button. So I await developments.

As to the Madman’s Music Studio make over I’ve taken some pics for you wonderful peeps !




I’m missing my big Buddha picture but I was told to suck it up :rofl: but guess there is more of a total studio vibe now, so guess I should be grateful !! :rofl:

More Tele news to come, good or bad. Watch this space.
