The Madman's Roadcase

Nice to see how organised you are. But, Toby, what about having fun and playing songs, songs, songs?. :innocent:

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Now that’s why I have either a Songbook Saturday or Songbook Sunday when I go through a couple of setlists (10 songs in one 6 in the other). Plus I generally pick up most evenings and go through three or four I am currently refining for future recordings/performances. So Songs Songs Songs are all part of the plan.

Its all part of the Off Piste work bottom left,


Aha got ya !


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You did indeed. Should have studied that marvellous spreadsheet of yours before trying to make clever comments :smile:

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I should add there is immense fun working through the Blues solos, even though they are work in progress adding new bars section by section. I can easily get lost playing the sections that are now in my head and hands over the pieces backing track, cycling over and over to get the timing right. Its one of the reasons I put a 15 minute cap on the main areas or I’d be playing that kind of stuff for hours ! :rofl:


Wow Toby, that’s some proper structure going on there, I like it a lot. I know you mentioned on my LL about you having a day only for songs at the weekend, that’s a hell of a lot of guitar in a week, I’m envious.

Good on you, I can see some elements in that I’m likely to steal / plagiarise, thank you for sharing!

Knock yourself out Mark, its one of the reason for sharing. If it inspires one person to kick start or turbo charge their practice its worth the effort.

I spent the last 3 months of 23 pretty much focusing of Blues Acoustic and some folk fingerstyle and could see the benefit of prolonged focused practice. But I was really itching to get back on the more Blues Rock electric side of things. Taking Justin’s time boxing advice on board I decided to expand the practice but only formalised the “timed” elements over the last few weeks. I know he normally suggest 5 minute blocks but to be honest I am just about finished the review of where I am by then. So the next 10 minutes focuses on the extension of that.

As I said elsewhere you do need breaks as its a pretty intense approach but I have found cycling fingerstyle patterns whilst listen to LBC mid morning is a great way of boosting the automation and keeping up with current affairs ! :rofl:

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68 today.
Tele’s on its way.
Please don’t interrogate.
Like me you’ll have to wait !!



68 is just a number
So put some food on your plate
Then dream of the Tele while you wait
And play it in your slumber!

Happy Birthday :clinking_glasses:


happy birthday

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This list is inspiring Toby, thanks for sharing. I am still looking for a structure to practice and if you do not mind I will adapt some of this to my routine. It changes day to day anyway but structure does help. :smiley:

Knock yourself out Mal, be my guest.

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Happy birthday Toby!! Have a great day, and enjoy your new guitar!

Ok Toby…we’ll wait. In the meanwhile Happy Birthday! :clinking_glasses::champagne::partying_face:

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Have an awesome day Toby!!
:tada: :champagne:


Happy birthday to you!

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Happy Birthday Toby :beers: :partying_face:

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Happy birthday Toby!

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Thank you all for the birthday messages, its been a quiet one as my missus and granddaughter have not been well in the last 24 yours. So just another day as they say but a little noodling after quite a few days of not playing.

@Mari63 I will when it arrives Mari. Its proving to be a little illusive, seeing it was ordered 5 weeks ago and Thomann were only able to get hold of 2 and the other customer ordered theirs over a year ago. Had a scare when it was marked out of stock and no longer available but a quick call on Thursday confirmed my name is on one of them.

In the meantime I’ll keep the details under wraps just in case !


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Just read through your learning log. You sure have done a ton over the years. It’s very impressive. Keep up the excellent work.


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