The Passenger by Iggy Pop Lesson

Learn to play The Passenger by Iggy Pop on JustinGuitar!

View the full lesson at The Passenger by Iggy Pop | JustinGuitar

Hi Justin, great lesson for a great song.

On the rhythm, you were counting like it was all normal 1/8th notes, i.e. x+2+x+4+, but the way you (and the song) actually play sounds to me more like triplets, with a count of (1+a = triplet and x = percussive strike):

D   D U   U D   D U    U
x   a 2   a x   a 4    a

EDIT: After playing it real slow a few times, I’m pretty sure it should be counted in triplets, but the 1/8th note strumming sounds okay, too, and is way easier to do.