The Pause Lesson on JustinGuitar

View the full lesson at The Pause | JustinGuitar

Hey @JGAdmin , will you ever be uploading the answers to this lesson? I think I got it right, but I like the whole idea of being able to check (I know, I know, I am only supposed to be focusing on the pause and not the notes. But I felt like focusing on both :stuck_out_tongue: )

Here’s my attempt at exercise TR-104-A. It would be nice to know where I’m right and where I’m wrong.

Here’s my attempt at the second pause exercise TR-104-B.

@Daf , thanks for transcribing this and posting here. After I was done I came here to check and compare against yours. I think there was a mistake in my TR104A and probably got it right in the second round. However in the TR104B your last two bars and mine do not match. But this time I am not sure if the mistake is mine. Do you want to check yours again?
By the way this is great stuff! I’d like to thank Justin and the website staff. I think the discussion is a great part of the learning too.

I got exactly the same as DAF for both exercises. :+1: I don’t have any transcribing software but I found that if I download the tracks I can still use the space bar to start and stop (which is much more accurate than hitting pause!) and I can slow the track down. Is that cheating? :roll_eyes:

What are the time signatures for these two exercises?

Both are in 4/4 timing.

Thanks. I was trying to do what Justin suggested by slightly changing the spacing on the tab for half notes. Then I realized I was getting ahead of myself. The barlines in the exercise solutions didn’t seem right, but I’m assuming that will be covered later on down the line.

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ok whew - that was fun in learning ‘transcribe!’ software, I got it right but it took a while as I had to figure out the SW piece, which really is the exercise. I wrote it out, guess I need to figure out how to do it digitally. The hardest part at first when I was half way in the middle was getting lost as to where I was last. I think im learning to make use of markers. Thanks for the printed version. Playing the notes by ear was pretty simple it was just trying to leverage the SW to guide me - Thanks All