The road to 'Freight Train' Joe Robinson techniques - last road to added

Roger, we were clearly both talking about birds :nerd_face:

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Sounding really good, Rogier, I hear a Freight Train coming!

Time flies when you’re having fun I guess, can’t believe you started this thread 4 months ago!

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Be careful what you’re googling Rogier :rofl:


Hmm … some tits can actually make for a nice wall decoration…

I’m sure that you can find these creatures also here…

(… Sorry @roger_holland … But you were asking for this a bit…)

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Sounding good, Rogier. Checking out your progress prompted me to watch the Joe Robinson video at last. It is a great lesson. I’ve always thought my finger picking is ok’ish, in a beginnery way, but his stuff is next level. And I’ve always loved Freight Train.

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A suggestion for our readers


Super AVYOP posts @roger_holland , Rogier, well done. :clap:
I particularly liked the feel of that train coming down the line … :station:
Thanks for posting, and sharing your thoughts. :+1: :sunglasses:

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Hey Rogier. I thought you were meant to be immersed in the Blues just now. But then I suppose all that independent thumb use will stand you in good stead.
Well done, good stuff, I hear the train a comin’ it’s rollin’ round the bend.

I’m just back in from my local hostelry. The barmaid there has great …. ornithological knowledge. :grin:


Where should I start, this screams for “on the edge” answers…fortunately I’m not the only one who sees the double meaning in it and always finds it strange when the neat David Attenborough says it lately… :sweat_smile:

clearly…and all just after my first tea…
:blush: :joy:

That is one I will try soon :sunglasses:

Hi Mari @Mari63
Thank you very much and oh my, I hadn’t even looked at the date …4 months …kuch :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: ,I see I’m good at procrastinating :upside_down_face:

Hi John @GorBLIMey
Thank you and nice I take you on that path…I have benefited enormously from this and will continue to do these exercises until they never go wrong again and without thinking about looking at my hands…

Hi @Elixir1253
Thank you very much ,for listening and your comment :sunglasses:

Hi Gordon @sairfingers

Thank you and good to see you here and that thumb thing certainly comes in handy, and there is more than just blues for me, very busy with --the broken cowboy from The Dead South intro and “Tears in Heaven” and tears of laughter at adolescent jokes here :rofl:

Greetings and thanks again :smiley: :sunglasses:


Oooh… Started drooling a bit in anticipation… Are you learning the whole song, even if it’s not blues exactly? :sunglasses:

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When it comes to bird watching we never really grow up do we! :smiley:

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Hi Nicole, @JokuMuu

Yes, actually the whole song, but that’s not fun for the viewers if I don’t sing because not much happens… the fun part is in the intro… I’m going to make a topic about that when I have time to practice this further … :sunglasses:
The Dead South - Broken Cowboy Guitar Tutorial

Oooo Gordon ,

My wife asks why are you laughing so hard… I called her inside from halfway across the garden and she laughs very hard too…

Now I’m going out in this beautiful weather to spend a holiday together in our village here and who knows what will fly around…

I took this photo 1 minute ago…coincidence :smiley:
(Look through the railing on the right)

Greetings sweeties :blush:


And maybe this one too.


:see_no_evil:…Aaaaa Now that hangs in my head all day long :joy: :hear_no_evil:

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Good morning Rogier! Again, I‘m late, just want to add, that I enjoyed your recorded piece very much. You made great progress and that thumb is working just fine. And you are up to speed already! Reminds me, that I started with the first excercises on this too but paused it, because I already had enough on my agenda. This reminds me, that it‘s worth picking it up at a certain point again.
Hopefully, I didn‘t disturb the ornithological studies with my comment :wink: :joy:.

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Hi Andrea,
Thank you very much for your comment and the laugh at the end…just need some a sip of tea because I was eating and it made me cough O o o :see_no_evil: :joy:

No, you’re right on time…
Be sure to continue until the 3rd exercise … that is a really useful one … if you do it well and that may take a while, then those extra few notes are so much fun because suddenly it sounds like a song to me… .
But yes, everything in its own time because the body and mind have to cooperate of course…

And again, all the best and sending you a lot of good vibes…


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I‘m sure it is. I learn a lot from fingerstyle, also for other techniques. That thum independence seems to be an important skill to have. Thanks for the vibes, I‘m sending some back to you :hugs:!

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Oh that sounded great Roger, anyone who can make unaccompanied guitar sound as good as that gets my vote. Well done mate!

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Hi Phil,
Thank you ,that is nice to say … :smiley:

And ooo I suddenly see so many new topics :flushed:…Blim is early this month, have fun :smiley:


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