This Years Love by David Gray Lesson

I had a quick look. I’m hearing the first 2 bars like this:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 
D     U D   D   D   D   D           D     U D U

See if that sounds right to you. I’m sure there are some variations throughout the song, but this could be a starting point.

I think which beats get accented is important, I will let you figure that out :slight_smile:

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Thanks for hearing it for me!

I figured out this part, he uses this in the intro and chorus especially when there is no lyrics over the C chord. This pattern is not used on any other chords.

Its the verse pattern that i cannot figure out.

Ohhh this one is a bit of a rascal! :grinning:
It has REALLY highlighted some funky things going on with my “strumming”…
So first thing I’ve learned is that If I have to put an emphasis on a down stroke then the up before goes too fast and so is out of time and rhythm then the emphasised Down stroke is too large a movement without a rhythmic upstroke following it…
In Japanese martial arts, when you punch with emphasis you may use a Kiai (big shout which translates as Expression Of Spirit). As you do a punch, the opposite arm, the non punching hand is pulled back hard and fast with a snap to the hip. This is called Hiki-te - Withdrawing Hand.

So those 30+ years of Japanese Martial arts have come in right handy for learning the guitar, tells me what I’m doing wrong and the Japanese terminology for it! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I never did have any sort of sense of rhythm so… back to the drawing board…

I’ve actually found I can do this strumming pattern when I relax in to it and don’t think about it but as soon as I think about it, what is next, where the emphasis go, chord change coming up etc, it all goes horribly wrong!
Still, I’m not being paid for it and its fun to learn so lets keep on keeping on…

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song recommended for fingerstyle but no demo guess will have to work it out its in 6/8 but how do you play half a bar?