Time Bomb- new JDJ collab (jenndye429, DDye, nzmetal) original song + video

Lovely voice. And I just love the “tick tick tick”!


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: Yes, it’s great how the visuals add a layer to the story. Very apparently the “Time bomb” knows that she has more than just one or two issues and sought treatment by visiting some psychoanalyst or so and it does not seem to have been very successful.

Great job on the drums btw. I particularly liked what you did connecting the bridge back to the main structure of the song.


Hi Jennifer ,Dan and Jeff,

Freaking Hell,and a lot more :boom: :boom: :dizzy: what a blast of instruments, what a really great video, You were made for video Jenny :sunglasses:

I’m quite used to listening to metal and it strikes me that there are often long songs in there… it’s funny to see you do this with your fist ones… for starting bands (outside this forum) it can indeed be tricky as James says…but for me and here it can’t be long enough the way you do it :boom:

So I’m still processing the video in my head while I play music again while typing this…wow Jeff I knew you had it in you because of what was seen it in your previous AVOYPs but that it already come out like this is absolutely super cool… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks guys and girl


Brunette Courtney Love @Jenndye429, @nzmetal being Wes Borland incarnate and @DDye going all Slipknot!

You guys really went all in again. Awesome video & great collab!


Wow that was crazy … good! Glad you’re not really crazy though, the lyrics could be a bit scary!

Really well done for all the various layers, great job all 3 of you.


Jenn @Jenndye429, Dan @DDye and Jeff @nzmetal - or in short JDJ, that was terrific!! :metal: :fire: :metal:

Yesterday, before going to bed, I saw the thread already and was tempted to check in immediately. But as I was tired, I decided to come back with an open and awake mind and more time on my hands to enjoy and give feedback. But it was hard to resist, I must admit. With Sirens in mind, I knew it would be something great. After having seen the truly amazing video - great job on that one, Dan! - I’m a little relieved I didn’t watch it right before sleeping. :rofl: It’s an incredible piece of art in itself and all of you seem to be made for this kind of thing! Loved all the little details in the costumes. Jenn, you are an outstanding front woman, one simply feels your presence just by the looks you give. I can hardly put it in words.

Coming to the musical part of the story, I think the three of you have something great going on as you seem to vibe totally on that level and complement each other. The results of this collaboration are stunning and top notch. Sirens was really good stuff already, but with Time Bomb you reached another level. It really felt like a professional production of an already established band. I truly believe, if being promoted (and a little luck, of course), both of your songs could be commercially successful at least within the lovers of this genre. Defintely back in 90s, though.

But also for listeners that are not so much into hard rock, metal or grunge your very special sound has something appealing. At least this holds true for myself, being a little softie music wise. :sweat_smile: I tried to reflect whether it is, because I know and appreciate all of you, but I then tried to distance myself and the conclusion is: No, it’s also working for me when you would be totally strangers. I still really love that sound and enjoy it thoroughly, even though it’s not what I’m typically listening to every day. It’s just a great, well written and excellently deliverd piece of music on all layers, the final mix is amazing. What’s catching me most (without diminishing the other parts!), is your vocal delivery, Jenn. You are so made for this.

Also, the song length works fine for me. Even though not too much into it, it seems to fit the average of the genre, doesn’t it? I have a personal preference for longer songs myself (listeners perspective), but I do see where James was coming from. For Radio or even TikTok, the duration probably needs to be much shorter (what a pity) to not lose the attention of the listeners. I think there’s an interesting development of lengths of musical pieces over the course of time, but that would lead to far here, as this reply is already longer than your tune itself. :laughing: I’m sorry.

JDJ, you have a huge fan around in Germany already! :smiley: Keep’em coming. :sunglasses:


Dark Dystopian Dye rules ok ! First impressions was the Unholy Trinity of Joan Jett, Marylin Manson and Slipknot.

Another stonking high energy track with solid performance from the three of you. Is it me have the vocals gone up a level on this one Jenn, as in the attitude has been dialled up.
Certainly a catchy foot stomping head banging riff that provide a great framework, nicely inter laced with high octane metalesque solo’s from the Kiwi ! Superb.

Had to go back and listen to Sirens for a back to back comparisons, as there seems some similarities between the tracks. But glad to say they are different enough to be distinct but definitely an identifiable trademark sound developing.

Thought the video was another stunning production, some great visual effects interlaced with scene changes cleverly done with the green screen. That’s all a mystery to be but worked a treat. Post apocalyptic dystopia kinda feel !

And finally those are some wonderfully dark lyrics, who needs shiny happy people anyway !

Can’t wait for number 3 ! :metal:

Keep rockin kids! The old man’s keeping an eye on you. :wink:



Yes definitely a trademark sound developing here. Not my go to musical genre but wow that was terrific. Incredible that you guys put all this together with what I’m assuming is ‘amateur’ tech. Super skill levels musical and production wise from you all. Absolute kudos to the three of you working from opposite sides of the world!
Dark scary lyric and ambience. Wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of your malevolence Jenn! :smiley:


Thank you Craig! What an amazing compliment :blush:

Thank you so much Nicole for your thoughtful analysis :grin: So glad you enjoyed the song and thanks for the helpful feedback as well!

Thank you! I can definitely hear years of influence from listening to some of my favorite artists show up in how I enunciate certain words. I think I sort of inadvertently pick up bits here and there from the artists I like and mash them all together in one style that’s become my own.

Thank you so much David! The thought has certainly crossed my mind that the more of these we do, the closer we get to an EP :wink:

Thank you Alexey! The tick tick ticks were by far my favorite part to sing! So fun :wink:

Thank you so much Rogier! So happy you enjoyed it :grin: :fire: :metal: We definitely were influenced a bit more by metal intros when we wrote the song.

Thank you JK for the compliment! I’m a huge fan of hers (in case you couldn’t tell :laughing:) So I’m happy any time I get compared to her!


@Mari63 @mathsjunky @Richard_close2u

Thank you all for watching and so happy everyone is enjoying it! All three of are having an absolute blast making these and that others can enjoy it too makes me smile :grin: :grin:

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:rofl: :rofl:


Thank you SO SO much for the amazing write up and for taking so much time to really absorb the song/video!!!

There were so many amazing things I wanted to comment on from your review that I’m almost having a hard time finding the words to say thank you! :laughing:

We are all so humbled and grateful that so many community members, members of our own families and friends seem to really be enjoying what we are making! We really are doing if for the love of the music and I’m glad that shows through :blush:

We think so too! :wink: While I feel like we are starting to develop a cohesive sound together, it really feels like we took a step up with the songwriting/composing on this one. I think we all felt that way.

You’ll definitely be on the list to get our EP if we make one :wink:


Thank you Toby! I agree with you. I think when I’m allowed to play and really get into it with the attitude, the vocals just get better. I certainly had a lot of fun with these!

Love it!! We haven’t had a specific conversation about a cohesive sound, but I do feel like one is naturally developing and I’m loving what it’s sounding like so far!

We’re counting on it! :wink: :laughing:



Thank you Gordon! I know this style isn’t going to be everyone’s taste, but I’m thrilled that so many people really seem to be enjoying it anyway!

Album covers ?


@Jenndye429 @DDye @nzmetal
What can I say? That’s really impressive. The music, the lyrics, the video, the production - observing the development of JDJ is so exciting :star_struck:.
I loved to read the making-of stories, and it’s awesome to hear that distance isn’t such an issue for you anymore. I guess good teamwork made this possible :smiley:.

I totally agree :+1::star_struck:.


Did Justin groom a new Joan Jett . Just a fabulous performance. I would pay to see this in concert.


After a really exhausting week and a really, really bad day on Friday, I just wanted to take a quick look into the forum around midnight and saw the headline of your latest production. Should have known better, than to press „play“ immediately :joy:. I just couldn‘t resist….damn! Couldn’t get those Rorschach pictures out of my head, which instantly gave me some frightening associations in RED :flushed:!
Boah…. really hard stuff this time and I needed some time to think about it.
Everything I could say has already been mentioned by others. I very much relate to Lisa‘s comment, who summarised everything so perfectly, better than I ever could.
It‘s frightening, disturbing, close to the edge for me, but it‘s a piece of art in itself, considered that it‘s still an amateur production.
Congrats on simply everything…the story telling, video production, those really creative ideas, the cutting, the costumes, the green screen technique, all the backgrounds, the composition of the whole video, the song and the lyrics, Jen‘s acting, playing, performing, making me shudder, Dan‘s or better Hannibal’s drumming, like having the devil inside and Jeff‘s impressing lead guitar work, very very impressing!
Sirens was already amazing, but you entered a new level with this one. I can only imagine how much work and time you put in, but also how satisfying the whole process must have been!
You leave me speechless! :wink: :partying_face:


:joy: :rofl: :joy: not really…,… look Brian @brianlarsen , there are more who say something like that after something like that … :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

But indeed, well said Andrea :sunglasses:, I really hope things get better soon … :mending_heart:

Greetings from a neighbor thinking of you :blush:


Thank you Nicole! The three of us really make a good team and I thinks our collective strengths really balance out well. Everyone has something different that they really excel at which makes the final product that much better :grin: I love the ticks too :wink:

What an amazing compliment!! Thank you so much!