Today is a special day

It’s a very special day today as after nearly 3 years of playing I have invested into my first forever guitar. It arrived this morning and Wow it’s beautiful and will push me further, as I have realised guitar is part of my life and I won’t be putting it down. It took a lot of research to decide which one I would invest in, I am not a great follower of brands, I like to do my own thing, but after much deliberation and having played their Pianos Saxophones and raced their bikes I settled on The Revstar RS720B in Wall Fade although I would say sunburst. It’s out of production now so it’s basically used unused mint ex demo I guess, but the only model made with a Bigsby should make it scarce later, plus I could only find 2 for sale. So I had no choice of colour. It fits all my playing ambitions, I reckon we will be very happy together. I just wanted to share it with you.


Looks good Mark. Happy NGD.

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That’s a real looker ya got there Mark!


A real keeper for sure.

I hear nothing but good words about them revstars.
Love the color ya got on yours. It’s beautiful.

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Hi Mark,
Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:
I like those Bigsby`s very much :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
Beautiful and I wish you lots of time together

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Congratulations, Mark :smiley: Have a lot of fun playing your first forever guitar!!

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Looks insanely good my man! I have been thinking about either getting a legitimate electric or acoustic guitar once I reach my 1 year mark something that I will have that is a serious guitar for years to come. Seeing things like this is inspiring.

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worth getting for that alone :sunglasses:
Happy NGD!

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Gorgeous enjoy the new guitar!

The revstars are quite an under valued guitar I think yamaha makes some quality kit

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That guitar sure looks fun! Enjoy many, many more years of playing her.

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She was a beaut!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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A fine instrument indeed! I am sure you will have many fun times together.

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Oh, that is nice. Congratulations!

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Wow, what a beauty! :heart_eyes:

Happy NGD, Mark! :partying_face: Wish you many hours of joy together.

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Looks fantastic. Congratulations

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Happy NGD Mark! Hope it plays as well as it looks!

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Pretty sweet looking guitar. Always feels great to get your first “keeper” guitar!

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She looks beautiful! Have fun with her :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Happy NGD!

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Eye catching! I’m sure you’ll have aot of fun with this guitar! Congrats.

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Very nice, I do like the Revstar range very much, and with a Bigsby wiggle stick……… :exploding_head:

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Good looking guitar there, enjoy many hours of playing.

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