Thank You, Justin and this amazing team. You have made learning guitar something most enjoyable and accessible to so many. Loved the video Justin, great to learn the history. I really appreciate you and your way of teaching. Really gives me hope for one day being able to call myself a guitarist . Love you guys
Thank you so much for this review and for all of the lessons. Your transparency and sincerity are just greatly appreciated and I love being a part of your community!
In his roundmail Justin wrote that he learned to let too much of praise (and negativity) wash over him, so I’ll make it short. It is quite an achievement to follow through with an idea for over two decades. Congratulations, and my sincere thank you to Justin, the team, and to the community!
*We like to play along with him The man, who taught us songs and sang Guitar Justin’s Happy Guitar Gang
We’re Guitar Justin’s Happy Guitar Gang We hope we’ll learn a song or two We’re Guitar Justin’s Happy Guitar Gang Join us and you’ll learn guitar too Guitar Justin’s Happy, Guitar Justin’s Happy Guitar Justin’s Happy Guitar Gang*
It was 20 years ago today
Justin started teaching us to play
We rarely had any style
But he was guaranteed to raise a smile
So may I introduce to you
The one and only Sandercoe…
Thanks Justin, your site has got me back into guitar.
Happy Birthday to Justin Guitar! It was really nice to get this “guided tour” of JC history, this video was really fun and interesting to watch.
I’ve only recently started my JC (and guitar in general) journey, but have “big thanks” to say: I found a very rewarding hobby and I’m making visible progress. Oh, and I also started reading on Stoic philosophy thanks to Justin
Welcome to the Community Jack.
Come on in and make yourself at home. Loads of experienced folks here, who have been travelling down Justin’s pathway on these pages and only too willing to help/
Be good to know a little more about you and your journey. You can share your experiences here and introduce yourself to one and all.
Congratulation, Justin, for 20 years of success! I enjoyed the stroll down memory lane and wish you continued prosperity. Your courses are the gold standard. Thank you for all you do.
My heartfelt thanks too to @JustinGuitar and the whole team for what you’ve done and continue to do, your dedication and passion rubs off onto all of us
And you’ve fostered this superb community as well, bonus!!
I’m a bit late, but best wishes, a happy 20th anniversary, and thanks for everything to Justin and the whole crew behind it. I wouldn’t be playing guitar if it wasn’t for JustinGuitar.
Thanks for putting this together, Justin. It makes an enormous difference for one to feel that they have a personal relationship with their teacher/mentor. Although the relationship is remote and virtual, I still consider you to be someone I can relate to and having these insights builds that relationship.
My personal journey with the guitar is on an extended pause right now. Paradoxically, it was paused during lockdown, when I lost all interest in continuing the journey to improve my playing, and my lovely Verithin is sitting sadly in its hard case awaiting the day when my interest re-awakens. I know that day will come, but who knows when.
Gareth @Guff
Welcome to the community.
I can hear your guitar even here saying “play me, play me” just get it out of the case and strum a few chords and see what that does.