Today is JustinGuitar 20 Year Anniversary! :)

@JustinGuitar Congrats Justin. Wonderful to see and be a part of the fruits of all your labours. Must be so gratifying to see how this has grown over the years, and to see your vision and dream to ‘teach the world to play’ come into being.

I’ve been 6.5 years, and can play to a level I never imagined when I started (which is the important thing, not how ‘good’ or ‘poor’ that level may be), have had so much joy and special moments in my own music-making, and the privilige of being an active member of the Community (being able to give a little back as a Mod, which was equally unimagined on day one).

And while you have given so much, there would be no JustinGuitar without the Community of followers, both here and those who quietly engage (as evidenced by the few hundred on the Live Stream event). I celebrate you all.

And the Community here, and my own experience, would not have been what it has been without Richard and Lieven. Take a bow, my friends. @LievenDV @Richard_close2u

So here’s to 20 years of JustinGuitar and look forward to the years to come :champagne: :champagne: :champagne:


Justin, thank you for all the music that has come from your inspiration, keep on doing it. Thank you. :smiley: :smiley:

Hi Justin,
Happy 20years Anniversary … :partying_face: :sunglasses: :bouquet: :sunflower: :rose: :birthday: :beers: :clinking_glasses: :champagne: :sunglasses: :tiger:
I (including my wife) wish you and the whole team a nice festive month/year and a great next year and years to come… :sunglasses:
Thank you for this life changing (and life improved) experience that would have been 100% less fun and less quality without you and your gift of all of this… :man_bowing: :man_bowing: :man_bowing:

Greetings,Rogier and Hermine :sunflower:


I had never seen the end bit of that video, James. Cool :sunglasses:
It left me with a slightly wistful feeling as I only recognised a couple of the contributors (TB & Richard). I know the vast majority of us will move on due to other commitments/interests, and this experience will be delegated to the ‘positive life experiences’ drawer’, but Carpe Diem, eh?
Tbh, if I had seen that video before, I probably wouldn’t ever have embarked on the project below for my second JG anniversary :wink:
Congratulations and thank you, Justin and team (oh yes, and as @sairfingers says below: the Community too, of course! :champagne: :birthday: :bouquet: :tada:


Happy birthday JG
Looking forward to the next 20 years :birthday::guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar:

Happy anniversary JG. 20 years, wow! I bet that time has gone really quick. What a wonderful thing Justin brought to the world, altruism at its best, I say.

Here’s to another 20 and thank you for everything you’ve done for me and us Justin. :champagne: :clinking_glasses: :slight_smile:

@Socio Nice find on the video James. :smiley:

Incredible. Just incredible.
What an amazing and inspiring story that has brought happiness to millions.
:smiley: :raised_hands: :guitar: :notes: :birthday:


Congratulations on your 20th JG anniversary Justin!

I’ve been with you for the past 5 years and can’t thank you enough for the lessons which have enabled me to gain some guitar skills and added an extra dimension to my life. I’m now 69 and intend continuing with this journey and improving my playing as much as I can.

The Community (and ‘old’ Forum) that has built up around your lessons has been a major factor in me sticking with the course. Always supportive, encouraging and knowledgeable, it’s a marvellous group to be a part of.

Thank you Justin and thank you Community.



20 great years and learning how the Internet works while the internet itself evolves!
20 years of learning while teaching and preaching that adage.
20 years of being the most authentic guy 'out there"

20 years of JustinGuitar and I’m glad I experienced almost every bit of it!
There is no club, forum, community or society that does better when it comes to my participation :smiley:

I always admired the courage to dive in and commit a big part of your life but look,
You ARE JustinGuitar. Tommy might be a CGP but you have a guitar in your name now as far as the world is concerned!
You paved a significant portion of making “learning something off the internet” something people take for granted today.
I share a lot of proudness for the tiny portion I had to contribute to that! :smiley:

If I just could go back in time and meet myself, strumming those first A,E and E chords…
Well actually I do that from time to time when a student contacts me for some guidance.


The Community is almost as old as Justins career as internet-entrepreneur
I’ve seen people come and go but I’ve seen a lot of people STICK as well.
After a while there are people that are here “for a long time already” and others that have twice as many years as them.
On there, I must have told all my stories and advice about a 100 times, over and over again, to people in need of finding theirselves. Learning the guitar was never this easy since JG is around. Figuring out what you want to do with that knowledge, is something else.

I learned a lot so far, I absorb stories, I aggregate common denominators and I pass on what I know, each year more solidified by an extra year of experience and observation. I see people take on that role as well and it makes me content.

Another 20 years?
count me in!


Congratulations on your 20 years Justin and co. The site is an excellent resource, brilliantly realized.

Also, as the site would be nothing without its users - I’d like to say thanks to the fantastic and supportive community. I’ve only been a member since January’ish this year but have hugely appreciated answers to my dumb questions and the generally humerous banter :slight_smile:


Happy birthday JG. :birthday:

Wouldn’t be the same without those 2 important facets of a community :wink:


Congratulations. Amazing resource, truly inspiring. Enjoy some well deserved celebrations. :tada: :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy anniversary to JG! :love_you_gesture: :rofl: :+1:

20 years of anything is a huge milestone. Congrats to Justin. From clearly being one of the early online guitar teachers, and embracing YouTube, to being one of the best guitar teachers in the world today.

Thanks for doing what you do Justin, you’ve made my guitar learning journey a pleasure.

Happy 20th Justin. Looking forward to the next 20.

Congratulations to Justin and his team for your 20th birthday. It is really appreciated.

:birthday: , :champagne:


Happy 20th anniversary JustinGuitar!! :bouquet: :partying_face: :champagne:
Thank you so much Justin and Team for everything you do! It is truly amazing!
I’m still totally blown away by all the high-quality, thorough, and very well-explained content you share for free!!

Justin, congrats on 20 years of an amazing journey.
You have put together and amazing team and touched so many lives.
The next 20 are sure to be remarkable and I hope to be along for the ride. :slightly_smiling_face: