Todd from Rochester, NY

Hi, just my first time in here. Hope this works. I’ve been working with JG for about 3 years now, progressing well. I’ve been in this band but we haven’t played out yet and have difficulty getting together as a band. I’m feeling frustrated and discouraged at the moment because I see the potential but people keep canceling. Please help me move past this frustration! Kind of venting, but would be interested in seeing how other people deal with this.




Welcome back Todd. The worst part of being in a band are the members. If you can find good ones it’s magic.

Can’t help you on the band front but guess it’s finding folk who are as motivated as you to get things going. But you’ll find plenty of support and distractions here to take your mind off all that. Welcome to the forum.


Welcome to the community, Todd! :smiley:

Sorry to hear about your issues with the band members. Can’t advice anything else as Rick and Toby did: Better find like minded folks that have a similar level of motivation (or a kick in the butt for the existing ones to get them motivated again?). Best of luck with that! :slight_smile:

Hi Todd, welcome to the community forum. I’m sure there are some in the community that could provide some advice. At least I know that there are some who play in public. If you have been following Justin for 3 years, then you have read some of Justin’s advice on staying motivated for practice. If motivation is an issue, perhaps some of that advice could be applied to your problem - that is, if I understand you correctly, why aren’t your band members motivated to get together to practice or to play in public?

Hi Todd, welcome here! It won’t help with your band situation, but I think you’ll find the folks here are quite committed to their goals. Hopefully that can bring you some comfort! :smiling_face:

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Hi Todd,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and good luck with vorming a band :sunglasses:

It may take a while when I think about the dozens of music documentaries I have seen before the right formation is formed, stay away from frustration and focus on the future :smiley:


Hi Todd,

Welcome to the community forum. :grinning:

Jammin with people online might not be the same thing as playing in a band. But it can be fun and help you find your way forward in your :guitar:-journey.