"Too lazy to die" - Lyrics Version 1

This is an excellent starter for a song, Nicole! :+1:

I “hear” the Bodo Wartke in it, but it also reminds me a little of Heinz Erhardt (Die kleine Made :joy:) and Reinhard Mey. Maybe because it feels like a story being told, the story of Lars. :smiley: While reading through, I heard some “Liedermacher” in my head, if that makes any sense. It’s because with your words you are painting pictures. Well done on this one. It also had the perfect amount of humor in it. :slight_smile:

I’m curious in which direction you will take it some day. Hopefully it was the right amount of positive distraction for you, too. :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile: The comparison with Heinz Erhardt is an honour, which humbles me to the bones.

“Liedermacher” or storyteller also means a very big badge of honour. Tom Waits, Lou Reed, Bob Dylan, Randy Newman you name it… in fact, apart from Bodo Wartke my biggest inspiration in this case is Randy Newman. When I tried to sing this, it was some variation of Newman’s “Sail away”.

But, we will see if this thing ever will have an own melody and music. Right now, I am not taking the slightest bit of pressure about this. It will or it won’t :slight_smile:


… second laughing fit of the day. Thank you :slight_smile: