Tool- AEnema & One Year Progress

Here is AEnema by Tool. Please note the song has EXPLICIT LYRICS.

Time to ROCK! :guitar:. One my favorite Tool songs I used to play as a righty, it has some cool techniques and rhythm to work on. I have a few flubs but overall I think it’s ok. My single earphone was very low so it was hard to keep on cue with the backing track. Feedback always welcome!

I am coming up on 1 year in February as a new lefty. I for sure didn’t think I could play this song a year ago so feeling pretty happy (even though I look angry in the video :laughing:)


Great work as Tool is complex!

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Tool and 1 year progress is not expect to see!!
Nice work, their timing is so complex, all sounded good to me! Fabulous raunchy tone :metal::metal:

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Hi Jeff,
Very impressive what you have achieved after 1 year as a left-hander :partying_face: :sunglasses: :clap:

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Duuuuude! You are an inspiration! This is amazing progress in one year after the switch. I’m always excited when I see one of you vids pop up, one of the last ones had me practicing Tool for the rest of the day! :joy:
This is one of my favourite songs of theirs and certainly looks challenging to commit all those different phrases to memory. Exceptionally well done.
Given your vast experience, I don’t feel there is anything I could offer in terms of advice, therefore I will again just express my congratulations on what you have achieved over the past 12 months and can’t wait to see more! :metal::confounded:

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Thank you Jeff, I appreciate your comments. Glad to inspire some Tool playing!
Aenema is a great track to learn all the way through, even the solo. Adam Jones actually plays the solo with a slide but it can be done without as in my vid. Also some cool hammering techniques in the beginning and verses. Give it a go! :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:


Blimey, that’s a complex song to attempt - I thought you did a superb job. The guitar sounded awesome! Amazing that you were able to switch handedness to that level in such a short time.

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Thanks Jeff! Definitely added to the list after seeing that! :guitar::metal:

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Great job, that is a huge song and awesome progress for one year.

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Great mix and guitar sound!
Indeed, wow for 1 year! Eventually you’ll up the ante with the slide for the solo!

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Wonderful to celebrate your progress to re-learn, Jeff. Loads of challenging technique on display with both hands in this recording.

How close are you now to your previous level?

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That sounded very good. I will be rooting for the further recovery of your skills as a lefty. Looking forward to seeing more videos in the future. :guitar: :metal:

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Great job converted lefty, welcome to the true ‘right’ side :wink:

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Thank you David. I was a pretty solid intermediate-early advanced player as a righty with over 40-years of playing. I could confidently play a lot of Zeppelin, Hendrix, as well as more modern stuff pretty decently. However, I had many holes and bad techniques ingrained in my overall musicianship as I was completely self-taught.

I may never be as “good” as my former self, but I feel I will set a much more solid foundation and techniques wherever my lefty journey takes me :grinning:

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Thank you Lieven. Funny I am actually left-handed but learned as a righty in my youth. Grade school teachers attempted to convert me to right-handed for a couple years which made me somewhat ambidextrous. For sure my brain is confused and screwy through all of this :laughing:

I feel you; I used to draw, color and write with 2 hands until they took the left pencil from me :confused:
Now I’m some kind of mixup :stuck_out_tongue:

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Uh - great stuff - you nailed it. Definitely some persistency and discipline is needed to reach this in a year (next to a great feeling for rhythm).

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