Tradução dos videos

Porque os vossos vídeos, não têm a funcionalidade de tradução?

Why don’t your videos have the translation functionality?

Hi Josué,

Why don’t your videos have translation functionality? (saves people looking for a translation machine :wink: )
Waarom hebben uw video’s geen vertaalfunctionaliteit?

There was once talk of translations of videos and Spanish seems to me to be a major language, but English is the preferred language in the community. …I hope someone else can help you with your question because I have no idea, except that translating of videos stopped a while ago,
Welcome and have fun…

Greetings ,Rogier

Good to see you write English now :smiley:

There was once talk of translations of videos and Spanish seems to me to be a major language, but English is the preferred language in the community. …I hope someone else can help you with your question because I have no idea, except that translating of videos stopped a while ago,
Welcome and have fun…

Greetings ,Rogier

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I tried Youtube video auto-translate subtiles to spanish on my phone. Is that what you are looking for ?

Hello Josué and welcome to the Community.
Justin used to engage a whole team of volunteer translators whose fantastic work was mostly overseen by Fanny ( I took it on for a short time). For all the translators did that work for free, out of the kindness of their heart and a pay it forward ethos, there were still costs to Justin in the form of a contract with a software company that became too expensive to justify. You will find older videos that do have translations but none of the newer ones do I’m afraid.

Oi Josué, tudo bom?

A maioria da audiencia ao nivel mundial de Justinguitar (neste momento) são anglófonos (percepcão minha) e como explicou o @Richard_close2u , os custos relacionados com a traducão são muito elevados. Más tal vez isso cambia ao longo do tempo.

De momento ha canal de Youtube em lengua castellano/ español más somente para os niveis mais básicos, penso eu.

Lamentavelmente os vidoes não estão en portugues mas aqui teêm o “link” para os videos en Castellano.

Tal vez pode aproveitar de alguma maneira essas videos.

Tudo de bom para você nessa viajem de violão!

Um Abraço!

igottwals, obrigado pela resposta.
Os vídeos de que falo, são os vídeos dos cursos pagos.
Esses não têm possibilidades de serem traduzidos.
Os do YouTube, podem ser traduzidos para qualquer idioma.
A questão que eu ponho, é a de a do “software” do Justin, utilizar a mesma tecnologia. O que não me parece que vá ter reflexo nos custos.
Josué António Monteiro.

Dear Richard_Close2u, thanks for the answer.
Justin’s videos published on YouTube are translated.
Now the question I put, is that the “software” of paid courses use the same technology.
Josué António Monteiro.

The translations were manually added to the Youtube videos one at a time.
The software was a dedicated one for that purpose. It was not applied to video lessons on the main website directly.

Pretty sure this is Portuguese, not Spanish :wink:

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Youtube has made good progress on automatically translating videos with subtitles in the past years due to Artifical Intelligence (AI).

The paid video are hosted on Vimeo. Vimeo seems to have added that AI feature in Winter 2024. It might be a feature that can only be activated by the team.

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