To be fair, it’s really hard to help without giving the answer directly, I fear. At least for “Satisfaction”, as it is quite a short one.
Have you done the ear training course as well? All I know from my own journey is that transcribing is a skill that really takes some time to develop and become fond with. It is definitely not my favourite part of the journey, too. But it is beneficial for sure so I try to stick to it and do at least a few sessions every few weeks. Regards the transcribing lessons of Grade 3 I’m still far behind. But if I do and what I notice over the course of months: It becomes easier, the more often I do it and also with interval ear training or playing melodies I know by ear. Don’t give up on yourself and come back to it from time to time. Patience is key here.
While waiting for an official response… I remember that the tabs from ultimate-guitar were pretty accurate for those 5 riffs. Or simply writing for instance “Satisfaction guitar riff” on youtube.
I got as far as the first two lessons of the Introduction. I couldn’t play Happy Birthday in the Play What You Hear exercise! Not done any more.
You may be right but I’m not seeing any benefit for me. I can’t see how any transcribing is going to help me play the guitar any better. May be I’m shooting myself in the foot, I don’t know. All I know is that with the limited time I have for practice there are other things that I can spend the time on! Thanks for you input though.
I had a bit more luck doing this than the previous transciption thing. it helped (or did it? ) having my annoyingly-perfectly-pitched wife correcting me whilst reading her book. She didnt even know any of the riffs - no fair! The difference in how much she can hear if a note is even the same or slightly up or down compared to me is really startling. Hopefully as I muddle through with these and the ear training the gap will narrow.
How much of an issue is playing the correct note, but not in the correct position on the fretboard? I’ve had a few where I’ve gone up the neck instead of down a string.