Travel guitar time again. But should I have followed Scotland to Germany?

Thanks for your support Rogier. :smiley: Unfortunately we didnā€™t come through your lovely country this year as we have many times in the past. For some reason the cost of the ferries to IJmuiden and Hook of Holland has taken a huge jump this year.



My interest for football/soccer is not too big, apart from those big events :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. But my heart is always beating for sports and the positive vibes it brings to people. Music and sports are great multiplicators to bring the world together. Thanks for the wishes!!! Have lots of fun with the Blues Course!!!

Uuuups, James, sorry for that! Never realized, you are a Scotsman too! Now, I already ā€œknowā€ two of them!

Canā€™t speak for the fans - but the players certainly do! The German team often fails to perform too :rofl:, so there is something in common (I stop here, not to get under the wheels of some German football (soccer?) fans).
Hope you have a great trip coming up, have fun, drive safe and enjoy the time with your wife and the guitar!!



I knew I forgot to respond to something (this will happen much more often in the next six months) But James, thatā€™s because you live in England with the matching name (at least for us that is an Typical Englisch name)

Have you looked at the statisticsā€¦ donā€™t complain young ladyā€¦ and compared to the Scots, even we canā€™t complain :joy:

Have fun the next week Gordon, For ā€œusā€ the party will last a little longer and as for Germanyā€¦ it will probably last a little longer too :roll_eyes:, well, have fun everyone anyway :smiley:

Now back to guitar me :blush:
Greetings ,