Traveler~~February 2024: Copperhead Road—Steve Earle

Heya guys!!

This is a tune that I always liked and didn’t pay attention to in the beginning. Now that I have progressed, some, here is a recording of a classic :metal:

Copperhead Road—Steve Earle (YouTube)


Wow - your voice gives me goose bumps! And the guitar playing is stunning! Love it!

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Thank you very much @andyPlays !! I still feel like I’m getting better every day. I’ve been stuck in “intermediate land” of guitar for a while, without any hurry to get out of there.

I screwed up the 2nd riff to the song a few times, but I like how it turned out! This song will likely enter my live set very soon. Thanks for listening!

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Great job bro once again

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Good one, Travis, and thanks for introducing me to Steve Earle. I don’t recall of ever hearing of him before but liked the style of this.

I enjoyed your picking and strumming mixes and of course your vocals with that special and unique tone you have.

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Thanks a lot @Jwaters i really appreciate it! Rock on :metal:

Thank you @pkboo3 !! Steve Earle was kind of the country bad boy of the 1980’s. He has lived a pretty tumultuous life but was always admired by fellow country music musicians.

I’m finding that I’m learning how to use my voice more and more every day, and my guitar skills are tagging right along with it. I have tons to learn and tons to improve so it’s great! I hope that your journey is providing you solace :ninja:t2::guitar::beers::metal:

Ditto to what others say here - I hadn’t heard of Steve Earle prior to this cover, and you did an awesome job

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Thank you very much @eknox5 !! I’m glad that I could introduce several of you to Steve Earle. Here is another recording that I did last night by one of musics greatest story tellers ever!

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Wonderful: a story well told in a good song with very folky accompaniment.


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Do you happen to be from the Midwest? RIP Gordon Lightfoot, this song is such a classic to play in November of each year.

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Nice one as always Travis. Hadn’t heard this in years so thanks for sharing. Great playing and vocals once again :sunglasses:

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Travis @Traveler
This song has been going round in my head for the last few days, where have I heard this before and have just remembered.


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To me @beejay56 , Gordon Lightfoot is in the Bob Dylan category. Only a few people on that Mt Rushmore….

I’m from near Buffalo, NY @eknox5 . People often say our accent is a bit of midwestern and a bit Canadian.

Thanks @Eddie_09 !! I hope that all is well with you and your guitar journey!

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Haha, this is great @MAT1953 !!

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