Traveler~~January 2025: Take This Bottle—Faith No More, Copperhead Road—Steve Earle

Hello all!

I was fortunate to be able to play a lot of guitar today, and in the middle figured I’d record a song!

Here is a tune from 1995 by a band that had some underrated tunes in my opinion. My rendition is more in the vein of a recent cover by Cody Jinks and Pearl Aday. I hope that you all like my interpretation, and as always, any feedback is helpful!

Happy new year to all of you!

Jam away :fire::guitar::microphone::notes::ninja:t2:


Faith No More. Great old school band. Love your style. Thanks for the up load, I enjoyed that.


Nicely done as always and a Happy New Year :ok_hand:


Travis great job once again, hope you have a great new year.


That sounded great Travis!

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I’m glad that you enjoyed it @Ontime !! It’s honestly a band that forgot about for a while. This was always one of my favorite songs from them :+1:

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Happy new year @CD02 !! Thanks for listening!

I hope that your new year is happy and healthy @Jwaters !!

Thank you very much @TheCluelessLuthier !! I was very happy with how it came out. I’m starting to get more comfortable with all of the nuances of recording!

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Happy peak of winter all!

I have a balmy -7 degrees Fahrenheit at my house for a couple of days. The wind chill is around -25. It has kept me inside, picking and sifting through literature. Ha!

I wanted to share a recording that I just recently did with a friend. It’s one of my first 2 musician recordings. I’m starting to play with more artists and this is likely a taste of what’s to come.

Thanks Justin Guitar for getting me going :+1:

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