Traveler—July 2024: Sober Thing--Cody Jinks, In Color--Jamey Johnson, Drift Away--Dobie Gray

Happy July all!

This is a tune by my absolute favorite artist to listen to and play right now. This is off his new album which just came out recently. I’m going to see Cody in concert in a couple of weeks and I’m really excited for it!

I’m pretty proud of this one because I spent quite a bit of time transcribing and then travifying the song. It’s not perfect yet but I think that it will enter my live set sooner than later :+1:

I hope that you all like my initial rendition of it, and as always, any feedback is fantastic!

Sober Thing—Cody Jinks (YouTube)

Sober Thing—Cody Jinks (SoundCloud)


Excellent, Travis. Some tricky chords in there too, including the Bm. Well done! My favorite Cody Jinks song is Hippies and Cowboys.

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Really nice job Travis. I am not familiar with Cody Jinks, but I might have to change that.

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Thanks @ToshS !! I love his entire catalog but that’s a great tune! Cody is authentic and a true independent artist. It’s admirable what he is doing and how he is doing it!!

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Thank you very much @TheCluelessLuthier !! I strongly suggest checking him out. Underground country but he is busy enough at big arenas to not be hurting in the pocket.

He started in Heavy Metal and found country later in life. I identify with his song writing so much.

Check this out. This is what I wanna be, but Travified.

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Great work Travis, and thanks for introducing Cody to me, I hadn’t heard of him before but I’ll be having a good look through his songs. :+1:

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@CD02 His entire catalog is fantastic!

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It’s been a whirlwind week for me. My grandpa passed away a week ago Tuesday, but I had a work “vacation” plan that I stuck with despite that.

This song is for him, and I thought of him every bar throughout it.

It’s not my best song because I was pretty emotional for the entire song, but nevertheless, here is a song live from the Gettysburg battlefield.



One of your best performances perhaps because of the emotional import. My condolences on your grandfather’s death. I lived with my grandad when I was young: he died almost forty years ago and I think about him almost very day; remebering becomes less painful.


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Oh wow, Travis, firstly my condolences on your grandfathers passing. Secondly I would echo Brian’s sentiment, that sounded great. For me the vocal and flow was :ok_hand:.

I’m interested ho the sound was recorded. It was a great sound and certainly didn’t sound like a Mobil device type recording so love to know what you did. I have a place here that would make a great outdoor recording place but just not sure how I’m going to combine the video (drone and fixed) with live audio.

Great work Bud, stay strong.

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Thank you Brian for your kind words. I find solace in the notion that I get to carry on his legacy.

Thank you very much @CD02 !! I didn’t feel great about the first verse, but as I mentioned, I was almost moved to tears for the entire performance, from a variety of factors.

I simply angled my iPhone 14 against a small rock that I found in the grass to record this, so nothing fancy!

Wow, that’s really good sound considering, nice one. :ok_hand:

I’m so sorry for you loss, Travis. My condolences on your grandpa’s death.

Your rendition sounded great, it was coming straight from your heart which made it really special. I’m sure your grandpa was listening in any or the other way and would have loved it. Really touching.

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Travis you just nailed another tune great job . You have that deep dark sound definitely a country sound.

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Thank you very much for your kind words Lisa. I felt honored to be able to do this, honestly.

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Thank you very much @Jwaters !! I was really most content with the fact that I memorized the song and had a pretty smooth rhythm the entire time!

Here is another tune that o recorded this evening. It has some flaws but I like the initial rendition of it :+1:

Drift Away—Dobie Gray (SoundCloud)

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Hadn’t heard this for a while. A really good version. I know it might involve different chords but you could probably drop it a semi-tone or two. Really enjoyed it.


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I actually messed around with that. The original song is played a semi-tone below where I decided to send it. I started there and didn’t like the sound for whatever reason. I’ll go back and give it another whirl :+1:

Welp, I started with a Cody Jinks song in this thread, so might as well end with a Cody Jinks song. I saw him in concert last week and it was fantastic. I have been able to learn 8 or 9 of his songs this month, so that’s been great for repertoire!

Here is a dandy of a song off his new album, a duet that he performs with Pearl. I aspire to have my wife sing this with me, but I wanted to get the guitar parts under my belt. I think the original was written by the band Faith No More sometime in the 90’s.

I hope that you all like it!

Take This Bottle—Faith No More (SoundCloud)