Traveler—June 2024: Mud On The Tires, Brad Paisley

Heya all!

I’ve had a super busy month and haven’t had time to be on here much. As a high school History teacher this is my busiest time of the year, with state testing, finalizing a ton of paperwork, saying goodbyes to students and colleagues, and trying to be present for my family. But, I love challenges!! Ha.

Either way, I was able to get some guitar work in tonight, so I hit the record button for a tune. Here is a classic from one of country musics best guitar players ever :+1:

I hope that you like my initial version. Any feedback is always appreciated!

Mud On The Tires—Brad Paisley (YouTube)

Mud On The Tires—Brad Paisley (SoundCloud)


Well done sir!

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Nice work Travis, I’m a bit of a country fan (among other things) and I’m pretty sure I’d sell my soul for gravelly voice like that :ok_hand: :+1:

Nice work.


Thanks for listening @Aramus !!

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Thank you very much @CD02 !! I’m blessed with the voice I have. I still screw all kinds of stuff up though!! Ha. Jam on :+1:

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You’ve got the country groove going. I like it!

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Sounds good :exclamation: Nice groove. Love it. Thanks Travis :pray:

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Great stuff! That’s some powerful voice you’ve got there Travis!

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Well done on that one, Travis! :slight_smile:

Definitely got the Country vibes and this tune really suits your unique voice so well. :smiley:

It was a very enjoyable listen - thanks for sharing!

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Hi Travis,

This is a great song I haven’t heard in years. I dabbled with Brad Paisley’s “Celebrity “ song on that same album. That song was fun to try. Hope all is well for you in NY. And nice job with Mud on the Tires.


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Thanks @ToshS !! One step at a time, or as Johnny Cash said, one piece at a time. Ha

Thank you @BigLuc !! I hope that your guitar journey is treating you well!

Thank you @twistor59 !! I don’t know if I would have picked up the guitar without it. I’m blessed :+1:

That’s a very nice compliment @Lisa_S !! I hope that you have an enjoyable summer with lots of strumming!

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Thanks Jeff! @SDKissFan we will have to collaborate on a tune in the future! Glad you liked the tune! It’s a nostalgic one for me that reminds me of Jamboree in the hills, a massive country festival that I attended 3 times when I was younger.

Well played Travis. :clap: :+1:
First hearing this song, and you were straight into the groove from the ‘get go’, and you hit those chorus high notes really well. :ok_hand:

Dunno if you have performed on JGC VOM night, but look foward to seeing you there sometime.


Thank you very much for the listen and compliments @Elixir1253 !! I missed a few chord changes in the first verse and another one later, but I was happy with how it came out.

I did one Justin Guitar open mic not long after I first joined the forum, during last Christmas season. I was having tech issues and just played guitar/sang raw with no amplification. I’m pretty busy with life, work, kids, and gigging around my local area.

I have around 20 gigs booked this summer so it will be a busy music season for me. I’m looking forward to getting more experience, playing new songs, putting new equipment to the test, and writing more originals. Jam on :metal:


Yet again a very powerful performance from you, Travis. Highly enjoyable :smiling_face::clap::+1:.

Wow, that’s awesome :star_struck:. I wish you lots of fun gigging through the Summer :smiley:.


Thank you very much @NicoleKKB !! I’m excited to get around to new places with new faces! I kinda got distracted (DEFINITELY got distracted) by trying to get a handle on running your own sound at a medium sized gig. I got a better handle on that now, so I’m hoping to sprinkle some more blues practice into my practice routine :metal: