Traveler~~March 2025: As Long As The Grass Shall Grow—Johnny Cash

Heya all!

This is a song about the area of the world that I live in. The tune is from Cash’s 1964 album titled “Bitter Tears”. The entire album is about the plight of various Native American tribes across the United States.

I hope that you all like it, and as always, any feedback is helpful!

As Long As The Grass Shall Grow—Johnny Cash (YouTube)

As Long As The Grass Shall Grow—Johnny Cash (SoundCloud)



Your performance is becoming better and better. Your singing is less forced, more tuneful and more dynamic. The accompaniment was very good also. Very enjoyable, very powerful song.


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Thank you very much @beejay56 !! I think that a lot of it is just having more miles on the guitar, and more practice singing and playing at the same time. I’ve had a lot of gigs lately, and the way think of it is that it’s a 3-4 hour practice session that is constantly allowing me to consolidate.

I’m taking the month of March off from gigging, but I’ll attach my last gig flyer for perspective. They are getting to be pretty sharp :+1:

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What a cool song Travis.

I have lived with, known and had good friends who are American Indian a good part of my life since living in Arizona as a kid. I even dated a couple. I can say with 100% fact, the plight that most native families who live on the res still live with everyday, goes completely unnoticed by most of the country. The current issues they are faced with are completely washed over in our education system. On a different note, when I was in the Tucson Boys Chorus we sang the song ‘The Ballad of Ira Hayes’ from that same release as the song you sang, respect is still given by some :pray:. Rant over.

Thank you for posting that wonderful Johnny Cash song. You did it justice with great guitar playing and excellent vocals.

You know I have really enjoyed you videos and art over the last year since I have started playing. Great work getting on it and performing, it is inspiring. I also really like your flyer and I also like your logo. Its very pro. Well made and well thought out.

Ádaa Áhááyá

Remember yourself
Take care of yourself

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Wow, thank you @Ontime !! Your words mean a lot.

“The Ballad of Ira Hayes” is a fantastic song, like you said, off the same album “Bitter Tears”. If you look behind me on my videos, it’s one of the albums that I rotate in to display behind me. It’s actually my only mainstay.

The song is about the place I live, so I identify with it very much. Johnny Cash was such a great storyteller, so much so that I think there are only a few people in the conversation with him when it comes to all time writing.

I debated whether to keep posting in this forum. I wish I had time to watch everybody else’s posts more than I do, but I squeeze them in here and there. What I hope that I can do is show that I’m an intermediate guitar player who has established a second career path gigging in my local area, and I love it! I still have a ton to learn. I’m still getting better every day. But I’m living my dream and I’m lucky!

Keep rockin :ninja:t2::microphone::guitar: