This was an exciting recording for a couple of different reasons.
#1–Its my first recording where I play fingerstyle for the entire song. I feel like I have been over reliant on a pic, and I aspire to play more fingerstyle anyways, so it has been a focus for a lot of my practice recently.
#2–I got a new pedal recently (still figuring out how to use it—it’s a Boss VE-8 acoustic singer) and this is the first time that I have ever added harmony to my vocals, so that was pretty cool!
#3–i joined the Justin Guitar forum last November, so this recording marks my 1 year anniversary in the Justin Guitar community. I’m so glad that I decided to join as I have learned a ton and been inspired by many of you!
I pretty much used Justins suggested arrangement for this tune as well. I used the rhythm/chord pattern from version 1 of the beginners songbook as my guide, playing fingerstyle in triplets.
I hope that you all like it, and as always, feedback is always welcomed!
Well that really was a treat Travis! It’s a great song to fingerpick and you did it really well. As soon as the vocals came in I knew this was going to be something special, we’ll done!
Well done @Traveler, great job. You certainly have the voice for it. I have had this song with the same fingerpicking pattern from Justin’s book as a staple in my practice for ages, great for practicing the mini barre F chord.
Try an ooccasional strum in your picking for a bit of panache and mind that the end of the 2nd line in the evermore-repeating pattern is
Am Em Am
instead of
Am C Em
like this:
1: Am C D F Am C Em
2: Am C D F Am Em Am
The way you play it now, you force your vocal to follow and you create some kind of “open ending” to the vocal melody line
Thank you @Eddie_09 !! I have really been focusing on expanding my repertoire. I’m going to start a bit of a revision stage as this winters focus—to work on solo’s and the unique parts of songs more, and to add more embellishments and enhancements.
Happy 1 year anniversary Travis and thank you for the 1 year treat. That was great. I thought your fingerstyle was excellent and the vocals sounded great as well.
Thank you @SgtColon !! I’m really glad that I decided to hop into the forum with all of you. I’m actually excited to record again sometime down the road after some suggested corrections!
You’ve got a great voice. Also like the song you chose, pretty much the first one I learned.
A bit of criticism: I thought you were mumbling some words a bit. Maybe thats intentional, then its fine, but if not you could improve on that.
Thank you @Nick22 !! That’s such awesome advice. Sooooooo, my wife would love this because she’s always complaining that I OFTEN mumble when I talk and it really pisses her off. Weirdly, my speaking voice is pretty deep and that sometimes can create minor communication issues, unless I enunciate properly (which is what singing is all about, right?!). I’m more attentive to it when singing than speaking generally, although, I’m a History teacher so I talk all day. Love your feedback and thanks for listening . Keep rocking
It’s so awesome that you noticed that! I don’t think many people know the 5 finger death punch version of the tune, but their rendition definitely inspired my version!