Traveler—September 2024: Colder Weather—Zac Brown Band

Heya all!

I was excited to have my wife with me last night, which enabled me to get a pretty cool clip from “backstage” at my gig.

This was a nice conclusion to a pretty busy summer gig season. I hope that you like this tune! Any feedback is appreciated.


This was my newest flyer that I prepared for this show!

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Ah Travis, great work mate :+1: I know I’ve said this before but just love your overall sound and that crackly, deep, grungy vocal, hats off man :clap: :clap: :clap:

The only only thing was I broke out in a sweat when my ocd locked on to that spaghetti like cabling all over the floor :rofl: :rofl:

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Thank you very much @CD02 !!

And it’s kinda crazy, but my wife and I were just talking about that a little bit ago—how I have cables just strung everywhere! Ha.

I would like to clean up presentation there a little. I’ve gotten better with the big/outside the ring cables for my mains. When I added the powered monitor I put a power source out in front of me too. I don’t know if it’s better or worse yet. Finally, when I added a full pedal board that I was confident enough to use and play out live with, it complicated matters again.

I’ll attach a pic from the front, and you can see that what I did to this point is send as many cables as I can to one side of me. I need a better solution but I just enter/exit on my right side. I’ve really gotta figure out the pedal board cord organization more!

I aspire to go more wireless in the future as well, probably first with guitar, then with mic, and that would clean up a little more even :+1:

That’s a big setup Trav, some decent looking guitar cases, even got your own stubby holder, great stuff :+1:

The cables don’t look quite so bad from that angle, I’m just a cable freak, it comes from years in a wiring industry, as soon as I see loose wiring or cabling I break out in a sweat :sweat_smile: :rofl:.

You have a good looking setup. And that burger looks awesome too :face_with_peeking_eye: pretty sure I could smash one on those :rofl: :+1:

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This was really nice. A subdued, country-ish tune but with a voice that sounds like you sing rock songs. (It’s a bit similar to the main singer in Creed timbre-wise.) Really enjoyable, thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

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The burger was great @CD02 !! I’ll clean it up more as I go.

I even thought of just bringing a small rug with me to throw over the cord mess from my monitor/pedal board to mixer.

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Thank you for the feedback @ConstanceClaire !!

I consider my style to be grungy country! I don’t know who said that but somebody called me that at a show a while back and I adopted it!

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That’s great work Travis!

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Thank you very much @TheCluelessLuthier !!

Here is another clip that got from the same gig, audience view (next to the fire pit) this time :+1:


Thanks for sharing Travis,
I’ve seen several of your videos before so I know you had a nice strong voice, and good rhythm.

But I think this is the first I’ve seen/heard in a ‘live’ setting.
Just want to say these are fun to watch, sounds great, and your voice is just captivating in a live performance. I could sit and listen to this all night.

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Wow, thanks a lot for those kind words @Charlie_James !! I’m blessed to have the voice that I have, but I didn’t know how to shape or use it really until I picked up a guitar.

I consider myself an intermediate, intermediate guitarist at this point. I can do quite a bit but I got a ways to go. That’s exciting to me!

Hi Travis,
Great job all around. Your deep voice on the vox did it justice and the play was solid. You got some nice gear and are able to light it up well.

Keep up the good vibes!

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Thank you very much @LBro !! This was my first time playing at this venue and I’m playing there again in November! I learned quite a bit from this gig. I’m going to work towards cleaning up my cord mess a little at a time :+1: