Trigger finger

I started getting my thumb locking up. I thing from over use and bad posture while playing Barr chords. Not sure but I will be seeing doctor soon cause I can’t really move me thumb and it will lock in a certain position and when I bend it back it’s a loud click and very sore pain. Has anyone had this problem ?

never run into lock-ups but learning barre chords can be painful on the thumbs.

I suspect you are applying too much pressure, as a reflex. It’s possible that you are applying too much pressure because you hear chords are buzzing.

As said, it could be bad posture.

Fun exercise is playing barre chords without touching the neck with the thumb…

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No not learning Barr chords. I have my Barr chords down . But I have been playing a lot of songs with all Barr chords lately and I think it caused trigger finger. The noise I am talking about is my ligaments snapping in my hand when I force my thumb back into place.

Relax from playing a bit Jeff dont make it worse or do more damage I am sure you know that I have had it happen to me on occasions but from using hand tools, it takes rest to heal it but get it checked mate cheers HEC

My wife had it on her right hand. It required surgery on the tendon(s), but it has been good since. She had it on her right side and had a shot to see if that would work. It hasn’t very well, so she has an appointment lined up to talk surgery.

Ok so I went to hand orthopedic doctor today he gave me shots in hand and said I am ok to play guitar . That I should be better in few days and if it doesn’t we can proceed with surgery in 6 to 8 months. Thanks All for the help.


Fingers crossed (no pun intended!) that the shots help!

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Glad you found some possable relief. Just some tips in case you have not had cortisone shots. Dont use your thumb a lot for the rest of today so you let that medicine localize really well into the tendons tissue there in your thumb. The longer the medication remains in that local area during the first 8 to 12 hours after your injection the longer it will last over the next 4 to 6 months. If you use that articulating joint a lot it will diffuse out faster and the overall efficacy of the therapy will be decreased.

I have been getting those injections in my shoulders for about 15 years and hip since I was in my 30s.

Also just an FYI. You physician probobly told you. But long term use of cortisone can decrease the strength of local tendons, so becareful doing any heavy duty grip work or lifting that involves that direct tendon. Time creeps up and you dont want a tendon blow out. This happened to me recently and solutions are limited after years of cortisone and friable tissue. There is no doubt it is a wonderful thing and I would not turn it down.


Yup got the shot and doc said rest it for day or two then go at it and if it doesn’t work he will do surgery on it


I hope it works out. Wishing you a speedy and thorough recovery Jeff!

@Jwaters hey bro?

My scheduled surgery this week on my shoulder was cancled unfortunatly, but even with the difficulties with the 2 ligaments that are blown, the other soft tissues is actually healing up and getting strong. When I got PT ordered today and was playing on my guitar, I thought to my self 'Hey how is that one dude from Justineguitar community with the beanie and jacked finger?"

So here I am. I wanted to see what was up. So are you doing ok? I can tell you know injuries are a total F’n drag, you been there before. I have have felt a lot of kidness from the peps here. I just wanted to wish you a happy holidays. So have a speedy recovery you Jersey shreader. Arizona is thinking about you.

Peace and all that stuff.


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Hey thanks for thinking of my issue. Well I had my thumb injection and it did hardly anything so I think I am going to have to have the surgery to fix the issue. I have to say I am playing guitar daily and my thumb actually loosens up after I play . Hope all your holidays are good and your guitar journey is going fabulously . Shoulder surgery sounds Like a drag bro ,good luck with that . Yea you live in Arizona and my big bro lives in New Mexico and he is a serious ripper, He had a band out that way for years called ultimatum. They had a few albums and are pretty well know world wide. Look him up he still has a YouTube channel that’s about records. Ultmetal or Scott waters you can find him. Hey once again thanks for thinking of me , that truly means a lot to me. :guitar::metal:


Sucks about surgery but at least you can play for now.

My wife reminded me that music soothes the savage beast’s pain. :grin:
I guess that is why she is always telling me to just go play my guitar. :rofl:

I will do that. That name sounds familiar. I wonder if they were ever in Reno.

The west is calling for you J, to the land of 365 sun :palm_tree: :desert:

I don’t miss my time on the eastern seaboard too much, but I do like going into the city sometimes. Lots of cool shows in both NYC and in DC where I spent some time.

Have a good end of the year bro.

Jason ontime1969

Sorry you need surgery Jeff.

When we moved to France I had to dog proof our 0.6 hectare plot with fencing. Rather than a leisurely approach I blitzed it for the concreted posts, wheeling 180kg of ready mix point to point. Pretty much blew all 8 finger tendons and machine gun trigger fingers !! Lucky that cortisone sorted them out and then some rest. Slowed down the playing for sure.

10 years on it’s just the right hand middle finger that locks if I pull a fist and might need sorting in the medium term. No impact to playing so far but need to be careful if I raise my right hand in public, if the fingers have been curled. Or just happen to need to punch someone :rofl: An innocent gesture could also be costly !

Hope all goes well !
