Tuner and E string

Hi All

In Chord Perfect - When I play the E note, thickest string, the app is not recognising the note.
Same with the tuner, it does not recognise the E note. I have no problems tuning it (or it being recognised) with Guitartuna though.

All the other strings notes are recognised

Any ideas?

Play harmonic on the 12th fret


Really sorry @Alexeyd I don’t know what you mean. I probably should say that I am a newbie to guitar so any reply will need to be in put across as if I don’t know much (which is in fact true).

If the A string is recognized, then fret the E string at the 5th fret and use that for tuning, they should have the same pitch.

Using the harmonic at the 12th as @Alexeyd suggests is probably the best idea. Rest you finger very lightly exactly over the 12th fret - don’t press, just the lightest touch. Then pluck the string and immediately remove your finger, if you get it right (it might take a bit of practice) you will hear a note an octave above the low E string note. It’s a purer note and more stable, tuners pick it up more easily. I’ve used this trick a lot.

Thank you all.
@mathsjunky That instruction worked perfectly for the justin guitar tuner to pickup the note!

Think I will just ditch the chord perfect for E though, as the app does not recognise the E string often enough even though it is ringing out.

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Hah–I have exactly the same problem, or I did (feel the anticipation, hunh?).

I found, using the super flexible pick (Jim Dunlop 0.38mm that Justin recommends for beginners), that if I played it really softly the low E was recognized faster. After a few weeks of doing that (with increasing frustration at it interrupting flow) I started experimenting and found that if I played the low E with my thumb rather than the pick, the low E was recognized immediately, where it might be 3-10 tries with the pick. So now I’m playing the low E with the 2nd finger.

As to why Guitartuna doesn’t have the low E issue (assuming you are using the same mic), I’d wager all these apps are built, to reduce the costs of development and maintenance, using as much code from other developers as possible (open source and licensed). It may be that these two apps use different modules for recognizing a note.

My 40¢