Turn Around - First Original

Hi David and thank you! Always appreciate your feedback and comments.

The solo loop was prerecorded as a section on its own on the Trio+ pedal and then just sequenced in to the song, it would have melted my brain to do that live!! The pedal dancing in the song was kicking in the backing after the opening few bars, and then for the solo just tapping an overdrive pedal on and back off. I’m not in Dale’s league (yet!). I only just recognised, after the solo, to flick the pickup switch back to middle position!

Thanks again! :heart::+1:

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Hi Mark,

first of all: congrats on finishing and sharing your first original here - what a huge milestone in your musical life! :partying_face: :smiley: :clap: You surely can be proud of yourself.

You composed a really catchy tune with a lovely and truly important message. I’m sure pretty much everyone can relate to that at certain points of their lives, I surely can. I love the positivity you created here, you made me smile literally. :slight_smile:

Your playing and singing sounded terrific. Great use of the Trio as additional accompaniment, made it sound quite polished and round already. The solo was also a delightful addition to the song. Great stuff all in all. :+1:

Need to catch up with your LL soon, I think I’m still stuck somewhere in 2023 with reading your updates. :joy:

Thanks for sharing this gem with us! Looking forward to your next original already. :slight_smile:

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A huge congratulation from me Mark!! :clap::clap::clap:
What an awsome milestone!
I liked it, voice, guitar… the whole lot…
not sure what i can say… all hats off maybe? :grin:

Well done and congratulation once again :clap:

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Hello Mark, congratulations on your first original :clap::+1::champagne::partying_face:!!
What a milestone :smiley:. Very well done.
I like the way, the rhythm flows like a calm river, just to be interrupted by the solo. I enjoyed this part a lot.
Maybe, you could integrate some dynamics when it comes to V3 :thinking:? Just a personal preference :innocent:.

All in all, really well done :+1:. Lots to be proud of :blush:.

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Congrats and well done Mark on your self-penned debut
Sounds great too :+1::+1:

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This one conjours up many emotions. It’s one of those songs where you can interpret its messages in many ways and relate to one’s own life experiences. That’s quite something to pull off. Beautifully played too. Seeing the video has reminded me I need to invest in a pop filter!!! :clap::smile:


Wow Mark, just wow! Playing all over the neck, great vibe, lyrics, sounds, solo, vocal. The total package my brother! I salute you!…Rod

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Makes sense, Mark, and I support serving the song by finding the simplest and best way to get something done.

That said I tried once to record a loop on the Trio+ and firstly struggled to get it right and then the tone of the recording was poor.

How do you record the guitar with tone, which sounds so good always.

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Well done Mark, kudos on your first original. Nicely done and a 90s britpop ballad feel.

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Thanks David! I’m running the guitar through a delay and reverb pedal straight into the Trio, and that straight into the AI. My signature (:joy:) tone is the guitar to be honest, I use middle position on pickup switch with the neck pickup in single coil mode and bridge in humbucker, it’s a really good default combo. That versatility on the pickups was one of the things that drew me to that guitar, aside from looks of course :grin:

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Welcome to the club, mate :smiley:
just sit back and enjoy the applause.
You learned to play the guitar. You wrote and performed a song on your own.
People you like enjoyed it.
Result! :sunglasses:


Thanks Mark. It sure sounds good, always does. Delay and reverb add so much. And the PRS pickups sound so good!

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Wow Mark! This is sooo sweet! It sounds just wonderful and is most enjoyable to listen to :heart_eyes: What a great accomplishment. I hope you’re very proud of it! Thanks for the Lyrics too. Bravo bravo bravo!

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Hi Mark, I finally found the time to listen to your first original! It was a real treat this morning :blush:. You can be very proud of your first written song. I like the whole mood and the melancholic vibes of it a lot and I very much relate to your lyrics! Well done on the solo too! All around a very solid first original. I admire the ability to write a song, until now, I haven’t been kissed by the muse, as we say here. One little thought came to my mind, I would have expected the melodic line to be lifted up for the last line in the choruses „and smile“ to emphasize the positivity, but it only was kind of unexpected, it didn’t, so no judgement, just what I felt.
I enjoyed your song very much :blue_heart:!

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That was a superb song Mark, many congratulations! It was a heartfelt song with a positive message for us all. Thank you!

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Had to dig real deep, because nobody is posting any new songs. So now I got to yours. While it’s clear you’re a beginner at the guitar, I’m still impressed by people who can string and sing at the same time. And while it’s slow, there is also not a single error! The solo was top notch also. That was pretty good! I enjoyed it a lot! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey Allax! Appreciate you finding this and for taking the time to listen and comment, feels a long time ago, even though it’s not really! Reminds me to revisit it and tweak it though :+1::slightly_smiling_face: