Turn Around - First Original

Hi All, sneaking in one final recording for February and a bit of a milestone for me (to say the least!).

This has been a long time coming and I’ll cover the backstory in a LL update in March, it’s not needed here, but I can say I am feeling quite proud tonight. This final take was literally recorded about an hour ago.

Backing drums / bass courtesy of a Trio+ pedal, and this took a fair bit of time to get programmed right!! Lyric sheet underneath the video for interest / fun!

I hope this is an enjoyable listen for whoever decides to click the clicky thing :slight_smile: and if you do, then thank you so much.

PS - a truly inadvertant homage to Justin in the first line of the song, I genuinely hadn’t realised until a few days after I’d written it and was well into practice mode, like a ninja he seeps into everything! :wink:


Fantastic Mark

Well done bud :heart_eyes:

Fantastic message to boot …

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Excellent song Mark and congratulations on getting an original penned and out there. Big thumbs up from me :+1::+1::+1:

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The accompaniment suited the lyric and vice-versa - an excellent first song. Your playing and the production was good. Carry on writing so I can carry on listening.


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Great work Mark, really liked it. Nice work with the backing parts and you caught me by surprise when you kicked in the loop and went for a guitar solo, :clap: nice work.
Thought provoking lyrics I thought, again, really nicely done :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Great job Mark :clap: :clap:

You should absolutely be proud of yourself! That was fantastic. It kind of has a similar feel to Oasis Half the World Away to my ears. Love the lyrics as well. Keep them coming! :+1:

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Well done brother!!! Has that mystical, laid back vibe to it! Or that’s how it felt to me listening. :grin::v:

I just laid back and listened. Solid rhythm my man!

Thanks for the Original and congrats on your first!

One day I will post one. Have one In my mind but have not committed to paper again…long story.

Rock on brother!

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Thank you for sharing your song, Mark. Your guitar playing was very enjoyable from the beginning to the end of the song. I’d like to highlight your solo though. I loved it, because in my ears, you managed to convey the mood and feeling of your song beautifully.

As to your vocals. I think you are a gifted singer. Maybe, just maybe, I’m not sure actually, I would have liked some more modulation , some more heights and depths in the first few verses and choruses. Interestingly, I got what I wanted after your solo. Somehow I could hear the light that is winning the cold and dark at the end of your song through your modulation and singing.

It’s strange how the meaning of lyrics is always open to the interpretation of the recipient. In my case, the lyrics resonated with me a lot. In fact, I still have tears in my eyes. The cold and dark will always pass, just like the seasons. Something worth remembering. Thank you, Mark.

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Hi Mark,
:clap: :clap: :clap: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :bouquet: :man_bowing:

I understand that you are proud…Today spring has started and what a first song of this season :smiley: :hatching_chick: :honeybee: :sunflower: :sun_with_face:
Thanks :sunglasses:

Greetings :lady_beetle:

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:clap: Fantastic Mark, that is not easy to do so fantastic job. Well done. :smile:


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That was amazing Mark, beautiful and well performed! :clap:
and love the lyrics :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I really felt it :sunflower:

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A big congratulations on your first original, Mark. That was excellent. Great lyrics and I loved the solo in there.

One to be very proud of. Bravo. :clap: :clap:

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Well done on writing and performing an original song Mark. The lyrics really suited the first day of spring!
Enjoyed your solo too.

Could the tempo be upped a bit? Just a thought.


@liaty @Eddie_09 @beejay56 @CD02 @roger_holland @Libitina @Avalon426 @SgtColon

Thanks to you all for checking it out and for your generous, supportive comments :heart:


@Jenndye429 - well you know very well that the Oasis comment was always going to make me smile!! Appreciated massively for that!! :smiley:

@Dman74 - Thanks Darren! For what it’s worth the only advice I’d give is that it’ll come in it’s own time and to let it happen like that :+1:

@JokuMuu - Nicole that’s some lovely comments, I’m so pleased it resonated for you, it’s what this is all about really isn’t it? :heart: The melody has been very much the hardest part of this for me and at what point to bring in some variation, I kind of wanted to build it up verse to verse with those to the final verse and chorus and your comment about after the solo suggests I got what I wanted! :slight_smile:

@sairfingers - Thank Gordon and it’s a very valid observation on the tempo. That was the last bit I was adjusting. In fact my first iterations were significantly slower believe it or not, about 65 bpm. Bizarrely that original tempo made the song much harder to play and in retrospect sounded very incoherent. This recording was upped to 75 bpm which flowed so much nicer. I’m parking this for the time being but when I do revisit, which I certainly will, I’ll explore perhaps up to 85. Appreciated a lot for sharing the thought :+1: :heart:


You did indeed. I was listening to your song a few more times with good headphones at work. At some kind my mind complete harmonies, or you doubling your voice in certain places.

This screams to be played with a band. With real drums … with harmonies… What a diamond in the rough you have there :gem:

And oh… Not so much kindness as honesty :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congratulations sharing your first original. This is a huge milestone. You’ve got to be very proud of that mate. That was a great first song, super lyrics and a solo to put the icing on the cake. It reminded me of the other mob but I know you like them too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Absolutely, I’m sure in his younger days he was the singer in the snowman song :thinking:

February has been a fantastic month in your guitar journey mate, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us this month :smiley:

Take a bow mate… Bravo

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Your memory’s too good James! I think in my early days here I posted that I was indeed a church choir singer until 13 / 14 which certainly influences my style now.

And thanks for the comments about the song mate, means a lot. :+1:

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Congratulations on your first original and it was pretty good to, solid rhythm and chords. I agree with @sairfingers about the tempo as something to think about.

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Bravo, Mark, that was a delightful song. Your playing was laid back and you sung with such feeling.

I also liked the solo, followed the chord tones and stepped up the higher notes at just the right moment.

Good job on the pedal dance.

Now did you record the loop to solo over live or was that pre-recorded and just turned on (and off?) in the performance? Neither here nor there, anything goes.

One down I look forward to lots more to come!

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