Ukulele Quick & Easy! 4 Chords & Many Songs

This is the quick and easy guide to playing the Ukulele! Learn 4 easy chords, simple strumming and a whole bunch of awesome songs. You'll be playing in no time!

View the full lesson at Ukulele Quick & Easy! 4 Chords & Many Songs | JustinGuitar

Thanks Justin, I am a little surprised no one else has commented here. I have tried learning guitar but struggled with its size and complexity of chord shapes and switching chords (let alone strumming). I have stepped down to uke which is like a polar opposite. I will comment as I go through the lessons and complete the course. Maybe you should brand this as JustinUke?


Hi Andrew,
It’s great that you discovered the Uke as an alternative here and keep playing an instrument :sunglasses:,Most found also the sound when playing alone the oposite … so it’s actually a pity that you struggle so much with those things with the guitar, there are few people who play the Uke because they like the sound so much, because often I hear … sweet for In 'addition" happy and funny are the words that are often mentioned… a nice stepping stone for children to guitar and/or playing and singing with children and the Uke,
But I had never heard “it’s so beautiful when I play the Ukulele by myself for half an hour and hear those notes pass by”…

I think that is why it is less busy in the Uke department…

The most important thing is that you have fun playing :smiley:

Good if you keep us informed :smiley:, and great if it is accompanied by a video while you play :sunglasses:

It reminds me once again that I have to get that Uke off the ground again, I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:


I bought a tenor uke a few years ago and restrung it with baritone strings (DGBE) instead of the standard GCEA uke tuning. It allowed me to use the same (cut-down) fingering as the guitar.