Undefined Stats - Practice Assistant


All my stats are showing as undefined upon hovering on the graph.

I have included an image from the time I started practice, but the default view and all time filters also show undefined.

How can I fix this?

Not sure what to tell you, perhaps @FannyJustinGuitar can lend a hand with this one. . . .??

Iโ€™m having the same issue. Iโ€™m on a Mac, using Opera. Tried logging out and back in. Tried on Chrome and Safari as well with the same results.

Hi, is there some other place where I can perhaps report this issue so it reaches Justin and/or the appropriate person?

Hi Richard one to raise to the team

Iโ€™m sorry youโ€™re having an issue with the Practice Assitant functinoality.
@FannyJustinGuitar will pick up the tagged message after she returns from annual leave and can hopefully help.


Thanks guys!

Hey @kirincorleone - thanks for flagging this! Iโ€™ve notified the team and weโ€™re taking a look into this. Hopefully we can get this sorted soon. Cheers :slight_smile:

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Hi @FannyJustinGuitar

It seems to be fixed now. So thanks a lot to you and the team!