Unusable since OneUI 6.0

Hey there has anyone had this same issue so I have been using the app with my Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra it was working perfect then I updated to OneUI 6.0 now it says nothing is in tune everything seems to be recognized as a lower pitch I know I’m tuned correctly and if I open the app on my phone which is a Samsung s21 Ultra everything works perfect this phone is currently not updated to 6.0.

Also on my Tab any songs I open I’m just stuck with the loading screen.

I have tried reinstalling clearing the cache and still the same issue and I have tried contacting Musopia four days ago with still no response.


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Gareth, I will raise this with the JG Team.

@MusopiaApps please assist

Thankyou David much appreciated

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Thanks for letting us know about this, we’ll send this onto our development team to see if we can replicate the issue and then fix it, we’ll keep you updated :slight_smile:

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Thank you hope this gets fixed soon