Update on my Original Song - Will It Ever Be The Same Again

Hi all,
Back in March I posted a link to my Original Song - Will It Ever Be The Same Again.
I mentioned I was submitting it into a Folk Song Writers competition.
Well got word today that it has been shortlisted as one of 10 finalist.
The Folk Club is holding a finalist concert June 4th where I have to play it live for the judges. Then 3 will be chosen as the winners.
I am a little nervous but it should be a great night.
We also have to do a warm up song of our choice then our entry song.
Here’s hoping……
I will let you know how I go in next couple of weeks.


Hi Ron,

what should I say? I just listend to your tune for the first time and it really touched me deep down inside, eventually made me cry a little, too. :sweat_smile:
This is a truely beautiful song, your playing and singing is just terrific! You’ve got a nice timbre and your vocal dynamics is great. Same holds true for playing dynamics with mixture of picking and strumming. Very well done! Awesome! :star_struck:

At least to me it’s not a surprise you made it to the finals - this is so well deserved, Ron. Congrats!
Now, enjoy the final round as much as possible and have loads fun besides all the nerves-thing goind on. :joy:
Keep my fingers crossed for you! All the best!

Cheers - Lisa

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That’s great to hear, Ron, enjoy the finalist concert and whether you’re 1st or not top 10 is already great, and well deserved.

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A really excellent song, Ron :clap: best of luck at the concert and I’ll have my fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers: :v:

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Wow thank you Lisa.
I am so very pleased it moved you. It did me when I wrote it.
I really appreciate your encouragement.
We will know on Sunday night. :smile:

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Thank you so much Mari.
I agree, to have made the final 10 and be in the concert is already a great outcome.
My dear wife is going to help me make an accompanying video for the song before I put it out to public on YouTube.

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I really appreciate your best wishes Lee. Thank you.

That’s awesome, Ron!! :clap: :clap: :clap: Go get 'em mate! :guitar: :sunglasses: :+1:

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Sounds great Ron!
Liked the song, and your guitar sounds amazing…
good luck👍

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Thats awesome Ron. Wishing you all the best.

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That is great news, that you have been shortlisted Ron. Good luck! :clap:

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Congratulations Ron…it’s all deserved as the song is so beautiful, I loved it when you first posted it and relistened to it now with much pleasure. Have a great time at the concert!

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Thanks Jeff. I hope too :musical_score::microphone::guitar:

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Thanks so much Trond. :smiley:

Cheers Trevor. I appreciate that. :smiley:

Thank you so much Stefan, :smiley:

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Thanks Silvia. I am really pleased the song spoke to you. :smiley:

WOW ! Beautiful ! Bravo Ron !

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Cheers. Thx Luc :smiley: