It was rough. I planned not to care and have a casual stream, play some tunes I rarely play, relax and have fun. It took me about 45 minutes to relax a little…
I don’t think it 's worth your sleep
It will be recorded. I also think, there are a couple of such streams recordings already on my YT channel… One was with a classical guitar and I wore a suit, he he…
Don’t be too hard on yourself., sounding pretty good on my headphones.
I’ll have to catch-up on replay for you upcoming performance, but hopefully all goes well …
Great live stream. No, I didn’t haul myself out of bed at 0200 to watch live but thoroughly enjoyed it today. My feed was a bit jerky which was a shame, might have been our internet today but still really enjoyed the stream, I know that it is all relative and you are still on your journey of improvement but for those of us floundering around down at the beginners end it is b@#$%y awesome, well done.
Great back story at around 1’20" it was great to hear the story of the guitar and the meeting with Tommy, what a moment that would be And you certainly seemed to relax more once you were into it and well underway.
Yes, the video feed seems to be not smooth. The sound is ok though.
I had many issues with the YouTube this time. And video on my test stream was much better.