Uptight Outta Sight

Great version Clint! Always leave 'em wanting more… and we clearly do!

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Nice one Clint, great to hear something from my past brings back fond memories! There used to be a band who played at the Bar I worked at in my youth, this was one of their songs, more filled out being a 4 piece but essentially the same idea.
Liked it, just one problem that everyone else has winged about - not long enough, more please!

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Thanks! I appreciate the listen and the like.

Hello Clint, just the perfect tune, I needed to hear at the beginning of a challenging week.
‘Everything is alright’ might hopefully be my mantra for the next days :smiley:.

As always, very well played and sung. On point :+1::clap:.
Thanks a lot for sharing :hugs:.

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Thank you sir! I hear you, I have plenty of longer videos on the channel. :slight_smile:

Thanks @DarrellW for the listen and comment!

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Thanks @NicoleKKB ! It’s nice sometimes to put aside the heartbreak and gloomy songs for something positive. Glad that it found you well and upbeat. :slight_smile:

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