Using JG to help a new player

A friend is quite interested in learning guitar and I would definitely recommend them to use JG, but also I might offer to help 1:1 though I’ve not taught before.

Are there any guides on the site at all about how I (or a ‘proper teacher’) might actually use JG to guide a new player? It seems all the information a teacher could need is on here, but other than “let’s go through the courses together” is there any advice either on the site or from people who have done this (as tutor or pupil?)

The courses are meticulously laid out and has changed over time to be as good as possible.

Just use the set sourse material together and you will both have a great journey.

Just follow the grades as set out. Can’t go wrong really. !!

Good luck


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Hi John,
What I do with two people is let them take the course and occasionally watch what they are doing and if they have any questions they can always see me, and if we start playing together soon :crossed_fingers: I will pay close attention to whether there are any bad habits.

I remember Justin saying there will also be lessons in how to teach, but the man is a bit busy it seems :roll_eyes:

Face to face with someone who knows what to look out for and helping and/or send you to the right lessons is an important tool


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Yes I vaguely recalled Justin mention this too. I’d no idea if it was a future plan or had already been covered.

I’m also trying to remember, does Justin advocate for learning on electric guitar at the very start since it’s easier to progress a bit while your fingers are very weak? I’ve heard that before but not sure where, or what I think of it :slight_smile:

His advice is to start with an electric one because learning guitar is difficult enough and as soon as it is clear that you will continue and stick with it , get an acoustic one as well… I now already advise a lot of people that ,unless there is no strong opinion against an electric guitar of course (Or actually more of an expressed desire to only learn to play acoustically, as is usually the case)