Victor Wooten's book The Music Lesson

Hi All!!

Following on a little from the @Rosshkerr post of the 11th about “the point”, I was wonderig if anyone has had a look at (or better, a listen to) Victor Wooten’s book The Music Lesson??

I have been enjoying listening to it in audio format. There are all kinds of wonderful snippets of bass virtuosity in the audio version. I recently watched Justin’s lesson on Mindful Listening and I am pretty sure he mention’s Victor’s book. I KNOW I heard about it through Justin’s site.

Anyway, the book is a really great look at music as a whole from the perspective of a person who has been channeling it through his instrument for a loooong time. . .it’s done in a super entertaining way (again I really think the audiobook is the way the “read” this work) I can second Justin’s recommendation.

The “measures” in the book are a really insightful look at different aspects of music (feel, space, notes, time, technique, etc.) and what makes it so universal. I think if there IS a point to all of the time spent learning to use an instrument, it is just THAT: Music is a universal language and can speak to people in a way that other “languages” cannot. Being able to “speak” music helps us connect to others in a way that is not possible through standard language.

Would be curious to know if anyone else has given this book a bit of time. I am in the final chapters and have loved every minute of it. Anybody else?

Hope you’re all having a good day!!


I will need to find that audiobook. I have been a Victor Wooten fan for decades.


I have both read the book and listened to the audiobook. It is a very interesting read. I actually thought the audiobook was better, as it works well with the subject matter. It was available in audiobook from my local library

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Yeah, I really enjoyed the audiobook and was actually a bit disappointed when it was over. . .lots in there to ponder and think about (or not!! :wink: ) while learning the instrument. . .

I have only just become aware of Victor but will definitely be looking for more from him around the You-Tube-verse. I like his take on the power of listening generally and particularly the importance he places on listening to the OTHER musicians in a group setting and not just what YOU are playing. Music as a conversation between players makes a lot of sense to me. … just wish I had the chops t get there. :rofl:

I greatly admire Victor’s playing and found the audiobook interesting and entertaining. But I guess I’m too much of an engineer and not enough of an artist; the whole thing seemed rather abstract to me and I don’t know that I really took much from it. Maybe on a second listen I’d get more.

My husband has spoken about Victor Wooten for years. A couple years ago I gave this book to him for Christmas. He loved it! I never got around to reading it, but downloaded the audiobook after seeing this thread. Started listening to it yesterday. Wow! Like others, I suspect this is a book better heard than read, which kind of makes sense because it’s about music. It seems too to be about art, creativity, inspiration, communication - heck, maybe even quantum mechanics, what with all that talk about vibrations! - many ideas that I find easier to absorb when heard as a story than read as a book.

David @dlemire60 - I hear you about being an engineer. My hubby is a physicist-turned-engineer, so I’m familiar with the trait you describe. :wink: I’m only about 20 minutes in, but would encourage you to give it another try.

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I am a scientist, and I hear you about being abstract. However I found it a fascinating view on what music “is”. I always think it’s interesting when you listen to songwriters, they always seem to have a story about the song that, they were just the person that captured it. I enjoyed challenging my “beliefs”

Hey Jeremy. I’ve listened to both of Victor’s books, “The Music Lesson” and “The Spirit of Music”, the first one based on Justin’s recommendation. I find the first book more relevant to the art of music and the second book while entertaining, more of a continuation of the fable from the first book with much fewer fundamental lessons and principles (but still quite a few).

I actually found it quite interesting in how Music as an art parallels so much of Jiu-Jitsu as a martial art (the latter is something I’ve been practicing for a little over two years, whereas I’ve only started learning the guitar 3 months ago). Michael who’s Victor’s “teacher” reminds me a lot of my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor, “don’t think, just play!” and the constant references to “feeling” instead of thinking, are reminders my instructor frequently repeats to me. It’s a happy coincidence because my instructor indirectly influenced my decision to take up learning the guitar (among the many BJJ videos he sends me, he shared a few bass guitar videos with me which rekindled my love of music and wanting to play the guitar).

It’s the first time I read/listen to a fiction book on Audible, and I quite enjoyed the experience and the lessons embedded within the fable told by Victor.

Highly recommended for anyone interested in music to listen to it, if not for the horizon expanding lessons at least for the entertaining story :blush: