Vintage Club #18 with Richard | Triads in the Blues (archive topic)

Hi everyone.
Another session of Vintage Club is coming soon.

Join Richard and explore using triads as a simple step to playing target notes when improvising over a 12-bar blues. This session will be accessible to students from Grade 2 (you need to know pattern 1 of the A minor pentatonic scale) to more advanced players with some improvisation skills. Don’t miss out, join us for some triad fun.

Please sign up to join here.

Monday 16th September at 7pm UTC +1.

This session builds on previous triad clubs in which we learned and played major and minor triad shapes on the G, B and E strings. We are going to recap those shapes separately and with a few more song riffs.

The main focus of the session is using triads in a minor blues setting, playing and improvising over a 12-bar blues in the key of A minor.

Before the session you will benefit from being familiar and comfortable playing triad shapes learned previously and pattern 1 of the A minor pentatonic scale.

Links to find relevant resources …

I look forward to seeing you all there.


The new setup means this will be the first time I have hosted a Club on Streamyard streaming live to Youtube. I will be testing in advance and hoping for a smooth ride with no tech issues!


Several hundred Blimmers could be heading you way sir ! :wink:

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Wouldn’t that be amazing!

I hope the session will be a useful complement to Blues Immersion.


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Oh heck. Technology got me. I’m so sorry. It worked this afternoon. There must be something different when going live. And I couldn’t get the live broadcast to work - Laryne did that.

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Will need some post match analysis or maybe stick with tried and tested Zoom ?
Not sure if you carried on, as I was only available for 45 minutes, so left shortly after you got things working. Another day maybe ?

Thanks for the recordings :blush::+1:

Cant win em all! Tech issues got the better of that one…


For the sake of full transparency and letting everyone know what is happening …

Pending further discussion with the team and a final decision, I have temporarily removed the recording of this club from the public domain.

I do so reluctantly and with a large measure of disappointment - for myself as I spent many hours prepping it and was excited to deliver the session, and for the audience as I believe the topic was of great interest to many people.

Despite trying Streamyard in advance, there were some technical issues that totally spoiled the session, none of which showed in testing so all were unforeseen.

The problem of not being able to go live and actually start the stream was the first big issue - causing a large portion of the allocated time to be lost. It also affected my concentration and I did not deliver the content in a way I was happy with.
The second issue was my guitar not being audible to the audience - even though it was deafening in my headphones. I need to test the voice / guitar signal chain further to rectify this.
The third issue happened during screen share, when I wanted the audience to both hear the backing track and then to see the TAB. Switching views away from the media player to the TAB caused the backing track to mute. I need to re-think how I combine backing tracks and visual presentation to prevent this problem in future.

I can only apologise for the disappointment - to all those who joined the session, whether you left in frustration or stayed and participated until the end. I truly appreciate the overwhelming support and good vibes that many of you were sending via comments and in messages subsequently.

But the bottom line is that the session was poor and, in my view, not of sufficient quality to be associated with JustinGuitar. I have more than half a mind to discuss rescheduling the entire session for my next club - after extensive Streamyard testing of course. I would welcome the opportunity to deliver it fresh and whole.



Richard @Richard_close2u
With the other half of your mind just rescheduled it, life’s too short.

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@Richard_close2u I joined the session and unfortunately had to leave a bit earlier. Not out of frustration, for sure! Although you had to go through a few technical obstacles, it was clearly recognizeable, that this session again would have delivered best prepared (“Richard like”) content. I feel very sorry for you, that things turned out to be so difficult during the session, but we all know, you are always giving 120% with everything! Just leave it behind… :wink:.

I hope, you are able to reschedule the session with a lot more luck on your side, I’m already looking forward to this :slightly_smiling_face:!


Richard, you really have nothing to apologise for. Sometimes the tech just doesn’t work, we have all been there, its awful.

I stayed to the end but I’d love a rerun of the session (with all the extra goodies you had to leave out), you clearly put so much effort into the preparation.


I’d echo what Paul has said here. . . Be great to have another go at it!! :pray:


Hello Richard :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve just seen your announcement here and it makes me sad to read about your disappointment.
But there’s absolutely no reason for it! Such technical issues just happen all the time, everywhere and to everyone (Oh, please be sure that I know what I’m talking about here :sweat_smile:).
It isn’t a problem at all!

Like written in earlier posts above, I just would appreciate a rescheduled lesson about Triads, because it is such an important and interesting topic, and your sessions always are so well prepared and structured, very helpful and good to follow. You constantly put so much effort, talent, time and work into these lessons, so it would be very sad to miss something.

I’m looking forward to the next session already! :smiley: :sunflower:

Gunhild :lady_beetle:



I spent the last twenty years of my working life fixing computers, their networks and all the associated malfunctions.

I’ve not attended any of the clubs however I know from many of my exchanges here that your help for all of Justin’s community seems almost unlimited.

Blame the tech (its what keeps all the IT engineers in work) do not blame yourself.



No apologies needed. Anyone who has work in IT or with IT knows the next failure is only seconds away. I am sure you and the team will get the bottom of the problem for future events.

Would be nice to have a rescheduled session but man do not beat yourself up, you do a sterling job and :poop: happens.

Onwards and upwards !



Hi Richard,
Would it be possible to get access to the backing track and Tabs? I really liked where this was going.



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Thanks all.

@Rock_Hopper specifically …

It looks more than likely that the JG team will decide to rerun this club once we have have tested and beaten the issues.

I am therefore delaying the public release of the materials and resources.

More soon I hope. :slight_smile:

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Thank you Richard, all understood.

I hope you do rerun this club, it was tying in nicely with the Blues Immersion.



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