Hey Community
Vintage Club returns for 2025.
Join Richard in his upcoming live class on strumming & rhythm.
[Happening Monday, February 10
Recording availble here
Drum -Track now available … 6-minutes of rhythm at 115 bpm …
Hey Community
Vintage Club returns for 2025.
Join Richard in his upcoming live class on strumming & rhythm.
[Happening Monday, February 10
Recording availble here
Drum -Track now available … 6-minutes of rhythm at 115 bpm …
I would love to join you, but it is the middle of the work day here in Colorado! Have fun!
I’m in the same time zone and haven’t attended any of these clubs for the same reason
I was wondering last week if there would be anymore clubs. Just got a bunch more snow yesterday, good time to hunker down and join in.
AFAIK, all clubs are now being recorded and posted to YouTube. So you can watch after work.
True, but they are more fun live. I can look up a zillion ways to do something online. A live group chat is much more personal and therefore easier to learn from.
Interesting…I attended several of the live clubs, and never felt I got any benefit from the fact that it was live. And I sorely missed that they weren’t recorded at first.
But maybe I was approaching it the wrong way … how do you find the live aspect makes it easier to learn from?
I am sure it is purely psychological. I feel more engaged as I feel the instructor is actually there putting interest into me and the other students and other students are actively engaged as well. Not because of any substantive difference.
I still haven’t managed to join any of these clubs and unfortunately this one clashes with my Monday night band practice so again I cannot take part. Yes, I play in a band but that doesn’t mean that I don’t need help with this stuff!!
@Richard_close2u you’ve knocked my socks off. Is there any limit to your excellence? You are a legend.
Great news, Richard !
I’m looking forward to the upcoming sessions, although I very likely will miss the first sessions due to other unpleasant commitments .
I would love to attend, but alas being many hours behind in the States, I have a work conflict. Glad to see the clubs are continuing
I always love your classes, but I’m not sure if I can make it this evening!
And I don’t like to claim I would be good at anything (you know me ) but rhythmically I’m quite ok. Are there benefits for someone in Grade 4 who feels strumming and rhythm are rather his stronger areas? - well - if any of my areas can be called “stronger” anyway, haha
In the middle of the night
@domi7 The technical side is mainly pitched at beginners and people struggling with any / all aspects of playing with good rhythm / groove / time feel and keeping a constant arm motion with a relaxed feel.
More advanced players may find goodness in there but if you have good skill and confidence with that then you could probably afford to miss it.
Great to see. If it’s available after would love to watch but it’s 3am so can’t attend unfortunately.
Hi Richard. Since I see you are still at the keyboard, I would like to submit a topic as Q&A. Or maybe it’s in your plan. Double-strumming. Can you touch on that, in particular how to double strum the correct (higher) strings and then get back to the rebase strumming pattern efficiently? Any pointers beyond practice, practice, practice? Looking forward to the session.
Is there a link to the recordings from the website? I would have liked to have joined in the live sessions but it’s breakfast and getting ready for work time.
There will be a link added in here.