Vintage Club #22 with Richard | Blending Triads with the Major Scale

Hi everybody :wave:

Vintage Club is back again on Monday 10 March.

:guitar: Join Richard in his upcoming live class on blending triads with the major scale - a hands-on session where you’ll learn to blend diatonic triads in the key of G with the G major scale—a powerful technique to craft melodic, expressive lead lines.

Preview Materials here.

Lesson Slideshow here

Short Audio Track - G Major Progression x2 with example of muted melodic rhythm here

Audio Track - G Major Progression x8 here

Audio Track - G Major Progression loop x12 with Drum & Bass here


I read the description and this lesson sounds very useful, but I can’t really foresee what you will be talking about.

Is there something we could do in preparation to get the most of the lesson, apart from having practiced the G major scale and knowing a bit about triads in general?

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Hi Dominique.
Thanks for the question.
Have you received preview materials from Fanny?

They are available from the link in post #1 above.

Advance preparation

  • Be familiar with playing G, Am, Bm, C, D and Em triads on the G, B & E strings between frets 2 and 5 - ideally following the progression shown below.
  • Know how to play Pattern 1 of the G Major Scale. See The Major Scale Pattern 1.
  • Additional preparation - view the first three lessons here - Major Scale.

Diatonic Progression in the Key of G



Oh, I haven’t, they were not there when I asked. Thanks a lot! Now I’ll have some homework to do! Looking forward to your club!

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VINTAGE CLUB - we go live in 60 minutes.

That club was great Richard. I really enjoyed it and also found it very useful since I am just somewhere between all previous triads clubs and major scale patterns lessions…
Don’t worry about the backing tracks not working. I really liked playing together with you as my rhythm player :slight_smile:


I just viewed a few short sections of the club session. The sound quality was very hissy overall - unlike previous sessions. Sorry about that.

Also, I am rather bemused and flummoxed as to why the audio from my looper (Trio+) nor the audio from my Guitar Pro could not be heard. Both have worked before. Gremlins? I will check all settings asap and also see if something changed in Streamyard.

I think I managed to achieve most of what I wanted despite the setback of no backing track. :slight_smile:

@bk2 You’re very kind Bostjan … I’ll be your rhythm player any time! :slight_smile:


Too bad! - Yesterday I was puzzled with helping my father , because his water in the house had stopped working, (he has a his own little water supply) so that I forgot about that evening session! I was so much looking forward to it!

I’m sure you did - I’ve seen you before managing problems in a lesson and it felt like there wasn’t the slightest drawback!
I’m looking forward to the recording so I’ll be a bit less sad for having missed it! :slight_smile:


Resources available in post #1 above

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The looper backing track I intended using in the live session is also now available in post #1.



Thanks for making all that avalible.