glad to not be the only one who thought we were not allowed to join
At least with guitar it’s 45. If you run then veteran status kicks in at 35
Yeah, I went to that one, though I ended up having to watch it on my tiny phone. Screen. Still can’t figure out why some of Richard’s clubs work on my laptop and other days, nope, uh-uh, not today!
I sure got lost fast with that lesson though, hopefully this one is more my speed. Guess I better go watch Module 11. Been in Module 10 for forever.
I do run but more as a hobby. 35 is indeed terrifying .
I loved it but i got lost with the F mini barre came into the mix XD
Im practicing it now… really unforgiving if youre not holding it just right!
I’d say that the progression with F in it is just a direction you can head in. In the same way that when we started playing with a pick we got some A, D and E songs under our belts first, it’s probably wise to adopt the same approach to finger picking before trying to add a barre chord!
I’ve been lucky in the F chord “cheat” department. One of the first songs I tried to play was house of the rising sun. Boy I was foolish in trying this but I didn’t know any better that this was a song to play down the road a bit. Took me years to play one song!!! . Anyways…with Justin in 2 years I’ve excelled beyond a point I only dreamed of!
So I guess my point is that the mini F has been one of the first chords I learned…along with C , D , Em Am…oh it helped kinda in the end. But should have really picked an easier song!!! And life goes on!
Excellent class @Richard_close2u !! So loved it!!!
Rock on!
Full resources for Vintage Club #7 | Fingerstyle are now available on the Clubs Archive page here.
Additionally, pdf and mp3 for the various exercises covered in the lesson are available to view and download here.
Once again, thank you for the great response to the fingerstyle session. I hope you benefitted, and will continue to benefit, for a long time to come, from the session. If you are willing and able and wish to pay-it-forward here is the link to donate. Thank you so much.
Richard @Richard_close2u
Thanks for last night excellent intro to finger style, something I am just getting into.
I wrote down the chord progression you mentioned and I didn’t hear what you called it but was in your follow up notes Canon in D Major by Pachelbel which you transposed in to C. I looked at it this morning and did a bit of research and realised it occurs in one of the songs I learning and many others.
Ok with chords in the key but I think I need to pay more attention to chord progressions.
Thanks again.
Thanks for a very worthwhile lesson last night Richard, I really enjoyed it. Donation sent
Hello vintage folk … get your digits ready and warmed … we’re back to fingerstyle next Monday.
If you want to know what we are doing and to have a heads up on preparing to make the best from the session, the preview is here:
I missed the first one, but for some unclear reason, I have taken this Monday off work! So I am signed up for #2 and hope something doesn’t get in my way of being there. Thanks so much!
Hoping to be there Mr C but family arrives at the weekend for a two week break. Looks like it should be a good one.
Fingerstlye funsters … here’s another song using fingers and those 10th harmony chord shapes:
Is the video for this lesson available? Cheers. Graeme
Sorry Graeme, but no.
Archive recordings of the clubs for me, Lieven and Lee were only started recently.