Viv's Learning Log

Hiya - Howdoo!!

This is my first real foray into what I intend to be a regular engagement with this community - and to keep myself on track and connected to all you lovely guitar people!!!

Like a few other people it seems, I have been trying to find an in-person guitar teacher over several years (after my first AMAZING teacher left London to go back to Italy in Covid). I have now given up on that, because JG is THE BUSINESS - I’ve progressed more in 2 months with regular prac, lessons and so forth than I had in the 2 years before that, so I am so glad that I’m here!!

Technical stuff:
I have made a few attempts at song writing - and aim to post vids/ recordings but I’m going increasingly nuts about how to do this - phone video file too large, mac recording too quiet. I did shell out on a Scarlett 2i2 - and I’ll spend the weekend (apart from going to 2 gigs) learning how to use the thing!

I taught myself to use a looper pedal (and feel ridiculously proud). It is, as J suggests, an excellent way to learn keeping to time by playing along with a metronome, plus playing with other music.

The reason I have done mostly original stuff in the past, is because I didn’t feel ‘good enough’ skills-wise to play known songs. I have since realised that learning songs vastly increases skills in all sorts of ways, so I’m practicing:

  • Tide is High (attempting the cool mute thing that makes the song sexier and pretending to be Debbie Harry who I saw perform a couple of years ago and still has it!!)
  • A girl like you
  • Wish you were here riff
  • Love Goes on by the Go-betweens, as this has some challenging barre chords. Although I’m only on level 3, I have recently found out that I can actually play (some) barre chords, so am practicing changing into and out of them.

In the next month, I aim to:

  • Record 3 songs and post them here, asking for specific feedback (please and thank you in advance.
  • Do an open mic and play those 3 songs with banter/ patter etc

I had a challenging experience with an open mic and lost a lot of confidence - I recently had a really great coaching session with @Lieven (shout out) if anyone is interested, it was hugely, hugely helpful.

I aim to keep up the practice as I have a nice (just about) daily habit.
I do have a lot to say about my guitar journey being a lot like life - but i shall save that for another post.

In the next year I aim to:
Form a band - no idea how to go about it, but I’m putting it out there!!
Low-fi Indie sort of post punky, tuneful and lovely (and fun) - originals - run on co-operative principles (i.e. no band leader - all members take and make equal responsibility and commitment).


Great to see you’re forging plans on all three levels: short mid and long term.

Using a looper can be somewhat tricky at first but it is indeed a great practice tool since you have the freedom to decide what and how to shape the session.

Thank you for the shoutout, much appreciated :wink:
We had a great talk and by the end of the session I noticed that you shifted your perspective a bit and felt reinforced in what you wanted to believe.

Yes defo - thanks Again, it was immensely helpful.

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Hi Viv,
I totally get this & offer a bit of advice - if you really like a song & can play a ‘presentable’ version that is basically recognizable - but not completely ‘true to the original’, that’s ok!
Your version of Tide is High will, in all, likelihood never sound exactly like Debbie Harry - but once you add it to your repertoire, it’s YOUR SONG. Make it yours! You are Viv, not Debbie!
I do a version of Van Morrison’s Brown Eyed Girl that is about 3/4 tempo played fingerstyle & sung quite a bit higher than Van does it. It’s MY song now & although it’d never be construed to be a ‘cover’ per se, if I play it successfully (never assured, believe me!!!), it’s instantly recognized by others. As a matter of fact, I’ve gotten compliments on how different it is & yet enjoyable as a ‘campfire’ singalong!
Great to see that you have defined goals, short, mid & long term & a plan to achieve them! That’s really good! Hope to see your LL updates in the future!
Good luck!!!



Hi Viv, Your story is inspiring me to get back on track. I have been playing for 4 years now but have never sent in a song to be played on the community site.
I feel like I’am stuck in a rut. I used to practice daily and now I find I’am only playing the 60 or so songs that I have been playing for all these years. Yes I’am getting better at these songs but am not learning anything new. I keep telling myself that I will start with Justin’s lessons again but never seem to get going.
I have completed thru stage 3. Now that I have read about your awesome journey you have inspired me to get back at it. Best of luck with the band and all of your goals. I just have a feeling we have not heard the last of you.


Dang, Viv, you’re ambitious! Good for you, and welcome to the Community! :smiley:

Thanks LunaRocket - cool name!!

Hiya CM
Yeah, I know what you mean about making it ‘your song’ - that’s what’s so great about all this - we are all so individual and bring something different and new to each song.

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Blimey - 60 songs - that’s VERY impressive!! I’m nowhere near that…
I know what you mean about feeling you’re not moving forward - that’s why I wanted to a F2F guitar teacher - but that just left me feeling both overwhelmed and not moving forward. JG is so measured and considered - every new lesson is like a revelation - so I feel like I’m getting better even if I pick up some information about music theory.

What I’m trying to establish at the moment is a habit. This book Atomic Habits by James Clear kind of helped me establish a gym habit, which I never in a billion years thought I would do. And I’m using the same techniques to hard wire guitar prac into my brain and body. Plus it’s fun, it’s a joy to do. I get a buzz from it every time I pick up my guitar and when I master something new, it’s like I’ve won a flipping prize or something.

It probably won’t always feel this way haha - so I’m also trying to kind of embody the cool feelings so I can remember them or generate them when things get hard.

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