Wdperkins learning log

Before I get started I have a few questions about the Learning Log. Is there source document or FAQ on best practices, frequency, content, etc? Is each entry a new forum topic or do you append to your original entry. Any other thoughts appreciated, thanks. Bill

Edit: looks like people are replying to their initial posts to add new content.

Edit: I think I got it, thanks.


That’s a very good question. I don’t think there is any formular or any right or wrong. I think Learning Logs are as different as the people writing them. :slightly_smiling_face: It’s like some sort of public guitar diary. Reflecting the learning and learned enables learning.

There are some things though that seem to occur more often than others. Relatively often someone describes their music and guitar background, often the “stable” or equipment are introduced, often people explain at what stage they are in their guitar journey, what they are currently learning and or struggling with, what are the goals for the future. Sometimes there are beautiful “songs in progress” videos. Sometimes people ask for help and feedback… Some people are updating their Learning Logs very often, some every few weeks, or every few months…

Look around. There are fantastic Learning Logs out there… Maybe they can give some inspiration.

Still, in my opinion the function of those Learning Logs is first and foremost to enable your own learning. It’s “your” space in the community. There is no right or wrong :slightly_smiling_face:



Its pretty much what you want it to be. On the old forum it was known as a Road Case and folks made periodic posts, stating a line in the sand or objectives reached. Some just charted gear acquisition (my early days was like that, times changes).

Best thing to do is to pick some of the on going Logs and see how folks present them and see if anything or any style floats your boat. It will be a good way to see what folk are recording in there logs and make a decision to how to present your own. No rules, no guidelines and no judgment.

If you’ve an hour or two to spare, see mine below. You’ll see the style had changed over the years, especially when we set up here on the new Community and things started changing.




Hi William

For me, the most important aspect of this is it forces me to think about what I am doing, where I am in the process, and what may need changing up e.g. when is it time to move to the next lesson. The log itself is more a by-product that’s the result of this thinking process. I chose a weekly update and I spend about 30 minutes at the end of the week just to reflect on what I’ve done, and what I plan to do for the following week.

Having a Log can help with motivation as it’s kind of like making a public commitment to practice guitar - lot’s of psychological reasons why this works! I’ve noticed my commitment levels are more consistent week on week since I’ve been doing a Log.

As others have pointed out here, it’s your log so you make it useful for you - it’s not entertainment for the rest of us :grinning: With that in mind you need to be honest with yourself, there’s no point if you make stuff up so you don’t look bad in the forum or want to look more advanced than you are. We’re all friends here and we all struggle with things at times - and that’s OK, it’s part of the learning process.

If you find it’s not working for you, then stop and figure something else out. It’s not obligatory, but most here find it’s useful.

To start most people give a brief history of how they got to where they are today, when they started, what gear they have, why they want to learn to play, what do they want to play etc. Many people include their short (where do you want to be in a month say) and long (where do you want to be in a year) term goals. Rather than have several posts most people just continually edit their first post and add stuff to it, that way it’s all in one place and everyone else knows that’s where to go if we want background/context.

Good luck!!


What a thorough, thoughtful response. Thanks.


4 posts were split to a new topic: I’m on Beginner Grade 2, Module 8. Justin teaches Em7 with four fingers. But on the song app there’s two songs, (Wonderwall, Luka), that use three fingers. What’s the correct way to play

I am still learning how to do a good learning log as I gain experience and read other learning logs. I’ve been writing a learning log for almost 2 years. But that is OK, because the most important thing that I have learned from Justin’s lessons in the last 2 years is learning how to learn.