We Don't Need No Amplifiers (Double Boss Mix)

If it only was wigs…hopefully the preference for obscure costumes doesn’t rub off… :see_no_evil: :joy:!

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I actually edited myself because I didn’t want to keep reminding Brian of his “childhood sins” :smile: (even though it was so recently that it was actually quite possible :thinking:), but the image of seeing those two guys in lingerie today was for the early morning just a bit too much :joy: (so by not typing it I hoped to quickly forget it… So thanks but no thanks(? I have no idea if that is the correct translation :grin:) for getting those thoughts into my brain. :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :scream:…again :rofl:)

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To be honest it is a little to cold in the UK at the moment for me to be donning my cheeky little baby doll number. Maybe next time. :smiley:


Are you trying to tell us, that we can hope for more when winter is over :rofl:?

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Morning, Stefan. Happily playing with my new toy this morning :grinning:
Funny how ‘the continentals’ can stage a ‘race to the bass’ (or lowest form of denominator)’ in any thread…
I wouldn’t encourage them :rofl:

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I’m glad you are pleased with it Brian. :slight_smile:

Yes, that is very true but I knew what they were like, I used to watch Eurotrash. :rofl:

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Who knows Andrea, it may just pop up in an AVOYP one warm, summers day. :smiley:

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What an awesome treat you gave me with your little performance :star_struck:. After a night with an ill kid in my bed, constantly waking me up, this was exactly what I needed to find the joy of this day :blush:.
So great that you managed to meet in person :smiley:!


Super stuff guys. Brian did Stefan give you a free plectrum with the amplifier? :thinking:

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@NicoleKKB I’m glad you enjoyed it Nicole. It was great fun doing it. I hope your youngling is feeling better soon.

@Socio Thanks James. :rofl: I did offer him one but he gave me such a look I sheepishly put the plectrum away. :smiley:


@SgtColon You certainly got more than your moneys worth out of that amplifier with a jamming session with Brian


Brian and Stefan, that was just a great and entertaining listen - must have been even more enjoyable for the two of you to have jam together! :smiley:

Thanks for sharing a tiny bit of the fun with us - made my day a little brighter. :smiley:


:clap: :clap: :clap: :+1: :partying_face:

Yeah, that was brilliant, guys! I’m still tapping my foot and surely have an earworm for the rest of the day :grin:

You are an awesome team / band :guitar: :guitar:

And the great lyrics :rofl: … What a mastermind!
But 2:33 min are just too short for such an incredible stuff …
Wish you were here playing much, much longer :wink:


Nicely played. Very entertaining and funny.


@Lisa_S & @Alan_1970 Thanks guys much appreciated. It was fun :grinning:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’d like to say it was the other way around James but I know you’re right.

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@Lisa_S Thank you Lisa, I’m glad you enjoyed it. We aim to please. :smiley:

@Gunhild Thanks Gunhild, I’ll take leaving an earworm for the day. Brian did do a great job with the lyrics.

@Alan_1970 Thank you Alan and thanks for the listen. :+1:


That was amazing, guys. I love it. Good humor and some solid playing/singing as well!

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Great job, Guys! :smiley:


That was completely unexpected and wonderful, chaps well done! I am sure lyrics were written by a special guest appearance in this video? :grinning: all the best to northern colleagues!

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