If it only was wigs…hopefully the preference for obscure costumes doesn’t rub off… !
I actually edited myself because I didn’t want to keep reminding Brian of his “childhood sins” (even though it was so recently that it was actually quite possible ), but the image of seeing those two guys in lingerie today was for the early morning just a bit too much (so by not typing it I hoped to quickly forget it… So thanks but no thanks(? I have no idea if that is the correct translation ) for getting those thoughts into my brain. …again )
To be honest it is a little to cold in the UK at the moment for me to be donning my cheeky little baby doll number. Maybe next time.
Are you trying to tell us, that we can hope for more when winter is over ?
Morning, Stefan. Happily playing with my new toy this morning
Funny how ‘the continentals’ can stage a ‘race to the bass’ (or lowest form of denominator)’ in any thread…
I wouldn’t encourage them
I’m glad you are pleased with it Brian.
Yes, that is very true but I knew what they were like, I used to watch Eurotrash.
Who knows Andrea, it may just pop up in an AVOYP one warm, summers day.
What an awesome treat you gave me with your little performance . After a night with an ill kid in my bed, constantly waking me up, this was exactly what I needed to find the joy of this day .
So great that you managed to meet in person !
Super stuff guys. Brian did Stefan give you a free plectrum with the amplifier?
@NicoleKKB I’m glad you enjoyed it Nicole. It was great fun doing it. I hope your youngling is feeling better soon.
@Socio Thanks James. I did offer him one but he gave me such a look I sheepishly put the plectrum away.
@SgtColon You certainly got more than your moneys worth out of that amplifier with a jamming session with Brian
Brian and Stefan, that was just a great and entertaining listen - must have been even more enjoyable for the two of you to have jam together!
Thanks for sharing a tiny bit of the fun with us - made my day a little brighter.
Yeah, that was brilliant, guys! I’m still tapping my foot and surely have an earworm for the rest of the day
You are an awesome team / band
And the great lyrics … What a mastermind!
But 2:33 min are just too short for such an incredible stuff …
Wish you were here playing much, much longer
Nicely played. Very entertaining and funny.
I’d like to say it was the other way around James but I know you’re right.
@Lisa_S Thank you Lisa, I’m glad you enjoyed it. We aim to please.
@Gunhild Thanks Gunhild, I’ll take leaving an earworm for the day. Brian did do a great job with the lyrics.
@Alan_1970 Thank you Alan and thanks for the listen.
That was amazing, guys. I love it. Good humor and some solid playing/singing as well!
Great job, Guys!
That was completely unexpected and wonderful, chaps well done! I am sure lyrics were written by a special guest appearance in this video? all the best to northern colleagues!