Weird empty B String noise

Good evening, I have a quick question. I used to play classical guitar and today I bought a Yamaha acoustic guitar with a passive pickup. When I play the B string empty and then mute it, it sounds a bit unpleasant and quite long. Is this normal with steel strings and it just seems strange to me because it doesn’t happen on nylon or shouldn’t it be like that?
With the other strings it is hardly audible and I assume within a normal range, maybe the G string also sounds a bit long and unpleasant but not so strong. In the situation described, the guitar was used without a cable. Many thanks in advance

Translated with (free version)

Uhm, on an acoustic… Could you record it so we could possibly hear the phenomenon?
If possible, both, through the pickup and with a microphone?
If bought in a shop, best would be to ask them about it. If bought online, we’re trying to help, of course.
An unpleasant sound should usually not appear!

Could some part of the guitar be loose?

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Loose parts was a good idea. Actually, everything seemed properly tightened, but I still tightened the screws on the back of the action of the B string, it’s definitely much better. Sometimes it’s that simple. Thanks for the tip

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I have heard that with the b and g string. I think it may be when the ball at the end of the string isn’t set up against the wood top well (loose under the pin). It could be something else, but for me it has always been a minor error of stringing and simply redoing the same string has solved the problem.


Ah, interesting! Could be well that! Never had it, because I had an instruction before my first string change which said to pull at the string whilll pushing the pin down, so the ball would be really next to the pin.

Do you mean the tuners/machine heads?
When we talk about action, we mean the height of the string above the fretboard.
In guitars with pickup, there are also parts inside, at least a cable.
Once I was suspecting a loose trussrod making a sound, but someone stated this should be really rare.

you can get sympathetic resonance on string 6 when open string 2 is played. Do you need to mute string 6?


I know its a different string but I suddenly developed a serious buzz on my G string one day. But it was also occuring when on other notes and it was bad. It took me a number of days to figure it out. It turned out to be exactly what Dominique stated.

It was my tuner knob that was loose. I was thinking the worse possable things.

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There is a very easy mod that anyone can do in a few minutes to stop this from ever happening.
Simply cut or sand a bevel on the end of all of your bridge pins. The sting’s ball end will never again get hung up on the end of the pin.

Go from this. . .

to this.

Photos from Google.


The word ‘action’ was a translation mistake. I was talking about the mechanic you can see in the first photo. The D string is the last on that makes some problems, but the screw is at its limit. When i hold my finger in the section of the string you can see in the second photo everything is fine. It seems like the resonance is too much for the “loose” mechanic

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