What do posts have to min. 20 characters?
To stop folks just reply with
Part of the Discourse design is to encourage engagement
Easier just to ‘like’ then!!
Yup, that’s the intention. I guess I could’ve just clicked
One of the things I think would improve the experience is if one could also add an emoji in response to a Post, not only a ‘like’. Then 'like’s could become more like ‘vibes’ from the old Forum.
Two months into the new Community and there is a small but steady stream of folks posting with a variation of (+ 20 characters) tagged on to their replies.
This is not because they are lazy or do not wish to engage, but rather because brevity is the essence of what they wish to say.
Ii would like to suggest removing the 20 character limit altogether, or alternatively adding an extra button or emoji that fulfils the + characters function. (That way folk will have to do it consciously)
Good idea Brian 17 18 19 20
You speak - we listen.
I have edited it to 10 characters.
Let us see how that impacts things.
Thank you!
T = 1
h = 2
a = 3
n = 4
k = 5
space = 6
y = 7
o = 8
u = 9
! = 10
Thank you!
A backroom discussion has reduced it further.
Now you only need F-I-V-E characters.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Excellent. Thank you.
But it doesn’t like SMS abbreviations, wasn’t having any of my TYVM!. Picked me out for not writing a proper sentence.
Well one out of two posts had a positive outcome-
Waaay abpve my batting average
Cheers lads!