What five campfire songs should you have in your locker

Hope you all watched Live Stream #3,
I thought Justin’s choice of song, Margaritaville, was interesting. It was was in the fourth group of songs with three votes by
@Mari63 @Deirdre @Tbushell

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I didn’t watch live but I started watching after, and by started I mean I only saw Justin playing so far. I watched him, then I mirrored to the tv so Krista could see too. I really liked the way he took a simple 3 chord song and made it a whole lot more!! Now I want to study his performance to learn those embellishments he added :slightly_smiling_face:

I confess I was surprised when he said what he was playing, but then he added something more to the 3 chord strumming, and he started off the show with a really fun song. Something to be learned here for me - sometimes fun is the key!! :slightly_smiling_face:


Mari @Mari63
I see Justin has just released a lesson on it, I think it is new but might be wrong about that.
Had a quick look at the contents, a lot of which is beyond grade 1 which it is listed under.


Lol I saw your other post first Michael, and I have the lesson bookmarked :slightly_smiling_face:

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Michael, I think the grading of lessons is based on potential to play a simplified version. And many of these Gr1 lessons include ways in which one can develop the way you play the song as you develop your skills


I watched the replay, really enjoyed it, too. I don’t understand this:

There was some sort of voting? This is the first streaming video I have watched so I don’t know how things work apparently.

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Rebecca @LunaRocket

In terms of voting I was referring to this post where I summarised the votes cast.

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David @DavidP
You are right of course, a lot of Justin’s Grade 1 and 2 songs give options for more advanced players to work on and this certainly is one of those. Yet to find time to view the lesson only looked at the contents list.
I am sure Justin played last night with a lot of the enhancements.

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The voting comment is in reference to a request a short time ago to name our three or four favorite campfire songs to play.


What a great subject @MAT1953,

At the risk of being way too late in adding my two pence worth, most of what I would have picked has already been listed but I would add for me

  1. Just Another Moment On Your Own - Redgum (listed as my first AVOYP in Grade1)
  2. Diamatina Drover - Redgum (dabbled but need to revisit this)
  3. The Gunners Dream - Pink Floyd (have ventured into this but needs work. could be a bit morbid for the camfire but I just can’t get past the chord progressions in this :+1:)
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Craig @CD02
Yes a bit late but nevertheless interesting.
Must confess don’t think I know any of the the songs, certainly never heard of Redgum. As regards Pink Floyd I might know the song when I hear it.
Will try and find time over the next day or so to listen to them.

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Redgum are well known in Australia. They had a handful of top 40 hits but the one they are most remembered for these days is ‘I Was Only 19’. An anti-war song which hit number one and is worth a listen.

On a separate point. I think for something to be a campfire song it needs to he well known by those sitting around the campfire. Its less about performing and more about leading a sing-along.


My knowledge of Australian bands is extensive!!! and consist of only one band “Men at Work”
You are right campfire songs need to be sing along even if they have lyric sheets. But if nobody knows the song then I guess it becomes more of a performance.

There was this little band that has some fame back in the 80’s you may have heard about.
AC/DC :laughing:


Bee Gees…INXS… Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds… Crowded House… :grin: :sunglasses:
I won’t post the rest but admittedly I only knew that from the top 10 only 3 that they were from Australia :blush: :grin:


Pop quiz for you Michael what was the name of the first Australian band to have a number 1 hit in the UK?

Edit: @TheMadman_tobyjenner will know the answer to this one. @DavidP may know the answer as well.

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Rick @stitch
Heard of AC/DC but not really my type of music, absolutely no idea they where Australian.

I was only 9 back then !! They inspired The Who to write a song :rofl:


Roger @roger_holland
I suppose I should have thought of the Bee Gees but seemed to spend more time in the uk when they hit the pop charts
The others I have heard of but there is a period from the mid 90’s when I just took no interest in contemporary music, didn’t listen to Radio 1 on the BBC, just listened to what I liked before then.
Strange but true.

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James @Socio
Absolutely no idea unless it was M at W but would be the Bee Gees if they are from Australia
Michael :question: