What is the hard-for-you thing you're currently working on?

Great topic Jk, I absolutely need to find sometime to read all the replies! Shortly: the loud and quiet dynamics while strumming - that requires to adjust the grip on the pick to change the volume of strumming and this is taking MONTHS! But itā€™s eventually clicking, only itā€™ll require more months to really automate it and apply it to songs in order ā€˜to play by feelingā€™ā€¦ Playing by feelingā€¦there! What does that mean really? I think this is also a good topic to start. On a brighter side: that pesky weak G: Iā€™m really improving butā€¦ooops that is takingā€¦Years :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::joy:

Arpeggiating chords without lookingā€¦I find that the metronome really helps here because it gives me the beat and I donā€™t have to think of itā€¦also the hand needs to be really stable but I find it hard when thumb comes in it often seems to mess all the other fingers, so Iā€™m currently working on thumb on its own as well so that it finds and build a close contact with the strings. That really requires time, but just like anything else with guitar itā€™s all worth it :heart_eyes:


Just wondering as I am currently working on my picking mechanics as well, but isnā€™t a pure ā€œup/downā€ motion actually what you want to achieve? Since changing it to an in/out moting seems like adding adding an extra motion.

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For me itā€™s fast down picking. I feel like I am at the edge of being able to play some cool songs but I am kinda stuck at around 150 bpm 8th notes. Also itā€™s probably a timing issue since I am struggling to feel (as lame as that might sound) where the 8th notes belong at this tempo and find myself just missing beats when I push for higher tempi.

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I agree, speed is hard. I am working on a 3/4 time DDUDU strum that needs to get to 185 bpm :scream:ā€¦.Iā€™ve got it to 90ā€¦:cry:


Hi Nick - youā€™re on the edge of a deep rabbit hole here! If you only had 1 string, then pure up/down would be fine. The issue is when you switch strings ā€¦ pure up/down leaves you between two strings after a stroke, which means moving to a different string can be inefficient. You can get around this with an in/out motion, so for example if your upstoke is ā€˜outā€™ then you free the pick to move to another string.
This is a fairly new ā€˜scienceā€™ and although guitarists have been playing this way a fair time, itā€™s only in the last 10 years or so that itā€™s really been studied.
Check out Troy Grady ā€˜Cracking the codeā€™ for as much detail as you can handle!!


Thatā€™s a very exciting topic, JK :grinning:
And lots of interesting posts already.
My own list of hard-for-me-things is quite long ā€¦

On top are barre chords, of course. It is nice to know that it seems Iā€™m not the only one and in very good company here :wink:
Power chords are a struggle, too.
Not to forget alternate picking.

Besides these more technical things Iā€™m currently struggling with the choice what to practice. Thereā€™s so much great stuff on the website, and I often find it hard to choose.
Currently Iā€™m in Grade 2 and following the suggested practice routine, but in addition to this I also started Practical Music Theory, Strumming, Ear Training and all the clubs and live classes provide so much more great stuff and a vast amount of even more things to learn and practice. I recently dipped one toe into fingerpicking and liked it a lot (but found it quite tricky) ā€¦ and what about the upcoming Blues course? Sounds really exciting :star_struck:
And I like to practice a lot more songs, there are so many tutorials on my wish-list :sweat_smile:

Learning guitar can easily become a fulltime job :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Motivation. I am on the sofa typing this when I should just go and pick up my acoustic guitar! I have just got to the end of Grade 3 and made a long list of the items that I need to work on during consolidation, but of course they are all the bits from the first 3 grades that I find difficult/boring things.

I have sidetracked in the last few months into Classical Guitar and am learning to play from standard notation rather than tabs and really enjoying it, probably because the learning comes quickly and there are musical pieces to play. So I find myself playing Classical instead of practicing Acoustic.

Ok, Iā€™m off to pick up the Acoustic. Honest!


Learning to improvise is my hard thing.


Iā€™m an ā€œexperiencedā€ Grade 2, having stopped and started guitar a few times, but the most challenging thing that Iā€™m currently working on is changing to the FU barre chord. Itā€™s coming along, and I have made sure that two of the songs Iā€™m working on use that barre, but right now, itā€™s the hard-for-me thing. The FU barre is the gateway to the other barreā€™s, so at least I know there is a bigger picture than that one chord.


Likewise Iā€™m learning 3 different songs with it in, each with a different chord before it, so 3 different transitions. The thing is theyā€™re all songs I want to learn which is an incentive in itself but as you say, if we shy away from this one then a lot of guitar playing in the future has a big no entry sign in front of it


Only 6 weeks into this (Beginner 1 Mod 5). Dm was tough compared to C. Hard for me to put pressure down with pinky without the ring finger hammering down in front of the index finger and of course chord changes. I know itā€™s only going to get better with practice practice practice.


Dm with your pinky? I play it with my first three fingers. You might be making it more difficult than necessary for yourself

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It is mine these days, but Iā€™m still waiting for that paycheck.


Yes, thatā€™s what Justin recommends. The reason is to gradually start training the pinky, which helps later in our guitar journey.
See https://www.justinguitar.com/guitar-lessons/the-d-minor-chord-b1-402


Interesting, I canā€™t have been paying attention in class then! Iā€™ll be sticking with what Iā€™ve learned though

Thanks :+1:


Among other things, Iā€™ve been focusing heavily on developing my picking technique, based around alt picking, and incorporating economy/sweep picking where needed. Been doing a structured course for about 7 months now.
It can be a hard slog at times, as Iā€™ve now realised its a long game.
Ingraining those string changing techniques in particular can be very frustrating at times, as different licks, runs etc require different motions/techniques, particularly as the speed increases.
I know Iā€™m making progress, but at times, I just want to get to the " automated stage". :nerd_face: Gonna be awhile methinks.

Cheers, Shane


Who am I to go against Justin? Nevertheless, I say play it the easiest way you can. When you really need your pinky for something, then you can train it by doing that thing. As somebody around here says, Simples!


wow, coming in late and it hasnā€™t even been a day yet!

Jokes aside, anything new is always a big deal. I donā€™t get why that is.


  • remembering the subtle changes in M&O Blues. Been working on this for longer than I like.
  • Getting mind and fingers to sync with the flourishes on Justinā€™s Sweet Home Chicago lesson


  • basic accuracy on picking individual strings. Whoā€™d think that would still be a problem after a couple years! This one is really frustrating!
  • grabbing a barre chord with enough speed to make it useful


  • figuring out how to cleanly play after a chord roll. Yeah - kind of weird to be stuck here, but I really dislike the hard stop I hear for a song I otherwise do fairly well.

Yeah I know Troys videos, but didnā€™t dare to dive into that (felt a bit like overkill for the level I am at). Your reasoning makes sense though :smiley:

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I had to physically hook my ring finger behind the neck when I first started learning Dm the way Justin teaches it, it was really hard. Now a couple of years later itā€™s pretty easy (so keep at it, youā€™ll get there) but I am having to relearn the fingering for a classical piece I am learning that requires me to keep my little finger free to put down on the 1st string and finding that really hard :frowning: