When Love and Hate Collide Def Leppard

Hi everyone,

This is a very rough draft of my latest song so looking for feedback only. It obviously is not the final product. This song was very hard for me and I couldn’t play it at all early last year. My 2024 goal is to explore the whole fretboard and not just stay in that 4 fret safety zone of most open chords. This is just the tip of the iceberg for me. Thanks for the feedback.



Great chord work and singing Jeff, looking really good. Perfect rhythm even without a backing track.

One point since you asked for feedback: I’m not sure the guitar’s quite in tune - that very first chord for example, sounds slightly off somewhere. Easy fix!


A good performance. You will probably spot things that can be tweaked when you watch the play-back. The balance between voice and guitar - quieter guitar, louder vocal - could be improved. Otherwise a really good cover.


Hi and thanks for taking the time to listen. I’ve had a busy week so just getting around to check back in. Since posting this I’ve actually got the whole song down pretty much and sounding better and better now. I’m a big Def Leppard fan since the 1980s so this was a big deal trying to cover one of their songs. Their music is not easy at all lol.


Hi Brian,

This was my first unpolished version I uploaded so glad to hear areas to fix. I’m just about ready to do the full song standing with a microphone and all. This is my favorite song from them so really wanted to play it like forever and finally getting there. Have a great day.

I’ll not comment in here Jeff, I’ll now just wait for the full version.

Here is the full version, I just did. Still a hard song for me but loved trying it.


I would call that a progress Jeff! Have you added a little bit effects this time?
Keep it up :grin:

Hi Trond,

Thanks for stopping by to listen. This song still needs some work but getting it down better and better. I wonder if Def Leppard is just not as popular in the UK since not a lot of people listened. They were #1 in the USA when I was younger. I posted this on my tik-tok and got 200 views in an hour and a few added it as a favorite. That was a good feeling. I have a brand new amp to try out to add effects- boss katana. I haven’t tried it yet since I’ve been working a lot.

Anyways hope you’re staying warm out there. Today I was working on a song from the star is born movie. I remember you doing Bradley coopers song from that movie. Take care mate.


Nice stuff Jeff.
Oh they were pretty big back in the days over here as well. And probably still have a hard core fan base in UK and rest of europe. Belive they still touring. I would certaintly go if they come by my neck of the woods.

Nice. They are coming to my area this summer. I hope to see the show if I can. It’s been 20 years.

That was great Jeff. It is always beneficial to get out of our comfort zone and practice new things than just playing/repeating what we know. I think you could add some more variations (accenting, up strumms and similar) to your strumming to make the song better.

Well played, Jeff, you looked and sounded like you were having more fun on Take 2 … :clap:
This Sheffield band were well established in the UK during the 80s. Albeit line-ups change over time, the fact they are still gigging suggests there popularity continues .
I’m not clued up on the technical “lingo bingo” but do know it’s always a bit of trial and error getting the instrument to voice balance/mix optimal.
Dunno what kind of mic, or any gain control you have for it, but maybe test raising your mic nearer to your face while you play standing ?
Keep it fun … :sunglasses:


Thanks for the feedback. Yeah I’m definitely not too sharp when it comes to sound on electric. That’s something I need to work on. I’ve been wanting to play this song since I first picked up a guitar and I’m almost there.

I’m glad to hear the band was popular in the UK. That was more of a joke really hoping my take wasn’t so bad that nobody would listen to it😎I lived in Europe back in the 1990s for a short while.

I saw Df Leppard in 2000 here in the USA. I met some groupies at the concert who told me which hotel they were staying at. At 2am they showed up and I got to meet Joe and both Ricks. I took pics and had autographs with them, but those are long gone now and just a memory. At least I have that story to tell. Joe rubbed my pregnant wife’s belly and the baby kicked. My son is still a fan of them and that style of rock. Pretty cool huh.

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Hi Boris,

I definitely agree that I need more improvement in dynamics. Hopefully will get there soon. Thanks for listening.

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What a great story, happy memories indeed. :blush: